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Dish Stacker - stacking a tower of pixel dishes

A topic by Tomzaw created Apr 16, 2018 Views: 443
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(2 edits)

Hey there everyone,

just wanted to create a devlog for my android pixelart game Dish Stacker. I think that the name of my game speaks for itself :) It's about stacking a tower of dishes and watching to not throw any of them outside of the platform. You can also turn them into pieces, but that not mean you lost the game, unless any of these pieces falls from the platform.

I would love to hear some suggestions from you - what should I fix or add or remove. I want to update this thread with progress.

Download link:

or Google Play:


And here is a little new thing, just added this element on the top for scores, I didn't like that "scores" were floating randomly on the background. There was an ad banner on the top previously, but I have decided to completely remove that banner and leave only a fullscreen ad after losing. However, I didn't uploaded this version to Google Play yet, but I will soon.