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A more welcoming logo/mascot?

A topic by D.G. "Darkhog" Jagielski created Mar 15, 2022 Views: 184 Replies: 3
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The current dragon mascot/icon/logo/whatever the software is using is scary, tbh. Given the fact that the app is supposed to make music making process easier, maybe one that is more welcoming/cuter would be better? It seems to me that the current mascot clashes with the idea behind the project.

Ha ha that's not wrong. It's hard to change now that I've put it everywhere:  

Well, you could always change the design in the shop, lol. Plus that would likely make the originals appreciate in price so if you hold onto unsold inventory of the old design, you could make quite a buck in few years time on that alone.

Good point 馃槈