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Unsure of where to start and how to organise in a larger development project?

A topic by sadiebunni created Sep 22, 2021 Views: 248 Replies: 3
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I have a few plans for a larger game than my usual tiny arcade style games and it'll involve a lot of different features, gameplay mechanics etc. lots of things to think about while designing things and making it functional. anyone have any good tips on how to organise my workflow and get things done in the most streamlined way? open to ideas, it's a mobile game which already presents a challenge since i'm used to making games for desktop . Anyway, any help is appreciated, i'd love tips to do with organisation and workflow. Thanks!


hi i am an indie game developer and my tip is that you create a todo list in TODOIST. At first create a panel called “To do” than “did” and than “bugs”. In that way you have an Idea what you have to do. If you have done something than drag the thing you have done from to do to done. In this way you can develop a game not in 2 years maybe in 5 months. If you need more help, contact us:

Using version control never hurts.


I'm developing a planning & organising tool as a side project, suited for solo-developers. It's completely free and has a few useful tools to structure work and to-do lists.

It's available in an early version, I intend to add more features and improve the tools more in the future, whenever I get some spare time! :)