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Immerse yourself in an AI-driven literary universe where anything can happen. · By AWK

Hey dev, how about open-sourcing it if you're not gonna work on it anymore?

A topic by Poison Dart Frag created Apr 29, 2021 Views: 2,529 Replies: 7
Viewing posts 1 to 4

Now the description is saying:

Disclaimer: Development and support are halted for the foreseeable future.

So if there's not gonna be official development in the foreseeable future, how about open-sourcing it so the community can try their hand at making it move forward?

Head over to the Discord; there seems to be some activity over there.

Once it actually works, GodAI is actually brilliant.

Ugh, do I really have to create a Discord account?

To be honest, it's totally worth it. I have completely replaced Facebook and other lesser apps with it.


I never had a facebook account to start with...


You are smart person. And I mean that emphatically.

Would like it as well. Especially since I am a programmer so I could help with development in my spare time.

(2 edits) (+2)

Hypothetically, if I had found an unofficial way to get the source code, would that be something I would be allowed to talk about here?