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It fried my laptop.

A topic by Jayive41 created Apr 28, 2021 Views: 6,102 Replies: 7
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Don't even try to run it on anything less than a top of the line, brand new gaming PC.

what are your specs

Yes. I would advise that you *don't* try to run this on a less than muscular system. It is quite an intensive process.

Shouldn't the hardware throttle down, and at the most extreme just halt the whole system, before temperatures reach dangerous levels?

Yes, if the safeguards work properly. Unfortunately no safeguard is perfect and sometimes these things happen, especially if a temperature sensor dies (dead temp sensors usually read as 0 Celsius so the throttling software doesn't know something is wrong).

I never knew that programs could harm a computer..


It's because my laptop is old, and overheats easily.

Oh ok.