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A member registered Feb 27, 2023

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I'm absolutely interested! I would love to help with music and sound design. Here is my Spotify I write record and produce everything myself :3

Hello, my name is Georgie! I am a non-binary musician from Queens and I am in a band called Warm Wishes. Video Games have always been one of the absolute most important things in my life, especially retro Nintendo stuff. I've always wanted to score a video game so I figured this would be the perfect place to start! I write, record, and produce everything by myself in my dorm room. Please consider letting me join your team! Message me on twitter, instagram or tiktok @warmwishesband

Hello, my name is Georgie! I am a non-binary musician from Queens and I am in a band called Warm Wishes. Video Games have always been one of the absolute most important things in my life, especially retro Nintendo stuff. I've always wanted to score a video game so I figured this would be the perfect place to start! I write, record, and produce everything by myself in my dorm room. Please consider letting me join your team! Message me on twitter, instagram or tiktok @warmwishesband