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Vague Collective

A member registered Jun 21, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hiya - we'd like to contribute Steal My Artificial Heart to the bundle.

This is a masterpiece.

Heck yeah you can! As long as it goes on an page, it's all good!

Hey! Thank you so much for your interest. We're writing up jam guidelines now - there's just so much to do :D! - but here's a quick answer:

1. Jam theme: make a game about resisting. This can be against authoritarianism, it can be against subtle violence, you get the picture. We trust that you'll make something cool.

2. Diversifiers: on their way. :D

3. You can start working on something now if you really want. We're not going to censure you, or remove your game or anything. We understand that some people might want to use a little more than a week to make their game, so, if you wanna do that, go for it. However, our official recommendation is that you make games between the 3rd and the 11th of March. <3

Let us know if you've got any more questions, we're happy to answer.


I want to kiss Revek.

Intriguing and pretty. I'd like to see more where this came from. -Damon