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Thanks for playing my game! Glad you were surprised :).

Oh, it's ok, I submitted my work 8 minutes before the end of submission :D.


I've always liked these kinds of shooters. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get very far, as sometimes the collisions didn't work properly and I got stuck in a passage with no further movement.

The exit button for a web game seems superfluous :).

Nice game, congratulations!

Thanks for playing my game! I hope you had the opportunity not only to shoot, but also to pass the levels ;).

Thanks for playing my game! I hope you also enjoyed playing through the levels ;).

Thanks for playing my game! I hope you had fun :D.

Oh sure, thanks! :)


At the 10th level I had -0.7 happiness :). It seemed to me that at some point I just clicked everything I saw without going into details :D. Nice graphics and music, relaxing! Interesting game, congratulations!

The second time, my level of happiness for the 10th level was 149.2 :).


Won at a ridiculous level :). What is the difference between difficulty levels? I think it would be nice to add some balance to the game, I have a dial speed of 300+ but I almost always lose :), mostly because every mistake resets all power, maybe it would be easier if it didn't reset all power, just the current one point, or sort long words by levels, for example, the easiest level has the shortest words, the longest has the longest, something like that...

Overall a good game! I had fun! Congratulations!

Thanks for playing my game! Many people speak for the retro style, but I have no idea what that style is :D.

I loved the sound! It's more like a suggestion, not a request ;).

Thanks for playing my game! I hope that in addition to shooting, you also had the opportunity to pass the levels ;).

Thanks for playing my game! I hope that in addition to shooting, you also had the opportunity to pass the levels ;).


Collected 4 cans!

Quite innovative!

It would be nice to have a menu with a description of the controls, as well as an option to turn the sound on/off.

I had fun, congratulations!

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Hooray, I won!

You say you are making the game for the first time... something is wrong here :D.

Good game balancing and interesting mechanics!

On the third level, one of the platforms could have buried me a little, but that's what it is ;).

I had fun! Congratulations!


Pretty cool! I especially liked the jump and acceleration. I'm not at all sure that I was going where I needed to go, but I was able to jump and get out of the lowlands to the top, and then somehow managed to fly into the textures :).

It would be nice to add a menu with control information.

Good start, congratulations!

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Withstood all 24 waves, but at the same time not a single unique battle with the sorcerer, and did not understand how to fight him :).

It would be nice to be able to mute/unmute the sound as well.

Unfortunately, I did not really understand how the game corresponds to the theme of the contest, but I had fun, congratulations!

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Unfortunately, I did not go beyond the first level. He took the fire and then he was not able to get out.

I like controlling the player, as if playing strategy :).


When I realized (read the comments of other players) that you can kill the enemy during the fire, I passed 2 levels :).

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My record is 83 points :). Very impressive graphics! The only thing that repels from the point of view of the gameplay is the jump. Firstly, from such an angle it is not very visible whether there is a lying policeman ahead. Unfortunately, I see him almost in front of him. Second, the jump is short, so you have to get very close to the obstacle to jump over it. It would be nice to be able to mute/unmute the sound. And it seemed to me that sometimes the game freezes, especially in full screen mode but I'm not sure - need to check it. But despite all that, it's a very good job, congratulations!


It reminded me of the game Portal :). Interesting and good implementation. You need to move the portals quickly and preferably as far apart as possible so that you can escape.

It would be good to have some kind of simple menu with a description of the controls and maybe a short intro. It would also be nice to be able to turn the music on/off.

It was fun, congratulations!


Very spectacular! But unfortunately I didn't manage to collect more than 20 energy :D. Maybe because I don't know something, but it was very difficult to fly through lightning.

It would be nice to be able to mute/unmute the sound.



Reached the 2nd floor! Very playable!

It was mentioned that if there are too many phantoms, I can call the manager for help. But when I realized that you can always call him, I did so, because it is so much easier. It might be a good idea to add some cooldown to it so you don't have to summon it every time you want.

it would be nice to be able to turn the sound on/off.

Very good, congratulations!

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Passed the game!

Quite innovative! I noticed that if you constantly jump and teleport, you can easily pass the level ;).

It would be nice to be able to mute/unmute the sound.

It was fun, congratulations!


This is something incredibly strange and therefore exciting ahah!

I accidentally chose to repeat the training, it would be nice to be able to finish the training without winning, just go to another one.

Titles as a separate art form :D



Passed the game!

Quite innovative!

It would be nice to have a button to speed up the playback of all the steps of the scene, as everything takes too long now. It would also be good to give an opportunity to play again after finishing the game, in this case it would be possible to implement random placement of objects on the map so that each restart is unique. I liked the treadmill!

I was also pleased that the font was extremely pleasant and readable :).

Great job, congratulations!


Made it to the 5th stage! Well, I chose the tactic - don't hit and run, just run :).

There are also visible lines on the map, I assume that this is for better game debugging, or it is a feature :).

It would be nice to be able to turn the music on/off if there is one.

Nice game, congratulations!

Thanks for playing my game! I will try ;).


I wanted to go to the end, but unfortunately this game does not forgive mistakes, so I only got to the first jump :).

It was quite interesting and fun to play because of the good balancing of difficulty on the verge of impossible ;).

Of the things that caught my eye the most, it was the thing that I could perceive the least, namely - the font, it would be good for me to make it more user-friendly, more readable, because I read with great difficulty, rather not reading but guessing the words :).

In the gameplay, I noticed that when you get a chance to run or jump and die again, you start over, but these powers are already with you. I think it would be better to add checkpoints between levels, or when you start from the very beginning without the skills acquired in the previous life, although I think that due to the complexity of the game - checkpoints at the level would be ideal!

When moving to the next location, I seem to have noticed that if you save a motion frame, when you start a new location you will have an additional motion frame, even if you are not moving, but it's need checking, because I'm not sure.

I liked the mechanics of the treadmill!

Graphics and music coexist beautifully and only improve the game as a whole! But since there is music, it would be nice to be able to turn it on/off.

Nice game, I had fun! Congratulations!

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Thanks for playing my game! I hope you not only move, but also passed the levels ;).


Quite innovative and interesting. I would probably like a little more balancing of the game, because collecting coins to get better weapons is a bit boring :). It would also be nice to have information about the controls in the game itself. Overall good, congratulations!

Thanks for playing my game! I hope you not only shot, but also passed the levels ;). Interesting notes on improvements, thanks!

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Thanks for playing my game! Once, at one of the competitions, I saw the use of emoji as the main graphics on which a number of games were developed. Given my capabilities of graphic primitives, I really liked the idea of using emoji as one of the possible equal elements of graphics, so I thought of using them :). Regarding the wizard - totally agree, be careful!

The text was fun :).

Thanks for playing my game! As for the bullets... they are released by one of the enemy types, namely the triangle. As the game progresses, the number of enemies and their attack speed increase proportionally + some randomness. Also, you may be very unlucky, in which case you will always have the maximum allowable number of enemies with the fastest possible attacks :D. I agree that we cannot do without deaths, otherwise it would be too simple ;).

Thanks for playing my game! I'm glad you were interested! I specifically chose this direction in particular to try to create something minimalistic in terms of graphics and music, but actually I was going to add some sound effects but I ran out of time :). My graphic ceiling is graphic primitives, so I wanted to demonstrate in particular the possibility of making a game with minimal graphics :).

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I would like more explanations of what is going on, all I managed to do was win twice, and then I just ran away from the match, because I was rank C :). Hit-areas also amused :D. Congratulations!

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Reached level 5. A pretty good game in all directions (if you add the thematic background music it will be a complete set). I had fun going through it, although it seems that I sat the most on the first level :). Congratulations!

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Tried several times, but unfortunately no luck :).

Interesting submission of work! Nice graphics and music. I would like to have a more readable font, but it is beautiful in its own way. You say you were lazy to make another boss, but not lazy to write so much game text :D. The atmosphere supported by the audience is gorgeous!

It would be good to post a description of the controls in the game instead of a comment on the game, because comments are not always read by people.

It would be nice to have a music on/off button as well.

I did not understand the relevance of the topic, but overall a fun game, congrats!


Hooray, I won! I'm glad that the cat can finally rest :D.

Well, I really liked it! Very well conveys what it's like to have a stray cat and every time to put it to sleep ahahaha.

The graphics and music are amazing! Great interpretation of the theme.

The only thing I would add is the information about the controls in the game itself, people don't always read the comments...

Murkit after bed is a masterpiece :).

Mur mur everyone! :).

Heh, I must have missed that, I'm glad I asked, thanks for replying!