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A member registered Jul 16, 2023 · View creator page →

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I really enjoyed this game. Music and sound effects are great and match the game well. I love the placement mechanic, makes you think about what you are doing. Good game!

Very enjoyable game, the music and sfx are spot on. Personally I think the placement is great and really makes you think about what you are doing. Great stuff!

24 hours after I submitted my game I have had time to reflect and thought I'd finish this devlog with a conclusion.

Overall I'm really proud with the progress I made with this game. Sure there are a few bugs but the amount of content I managed to get in, in roughly 22 hours development time total, is very pleasing. I seriously didn't think I would manage to get this far, I got off to a very rocky start where it took me two nights to try and get the basic movement functional and was thinking of scrapping the project. It is thanks to the first two people who left a comment on this devlog that kept me going, I'm not sure what it was but it lit a spark and I stuck with it and never looked back.

This is my first game jam and devlog, I don't normally put myself out there and do this sort of stuff, but I'm glad I did. To anyone who is in the same position reading this, believe in yourself and take that first step, join a none ranked jam like this and give it a go.

A massive thank you to all who have played my game or even just looked at the devlog, the support means a lot.

Played it and very much enjoyed it, very touching at the end. Top work.

What a lovely game, the story is amazing, music is spot on and I thought the background and sandstorm effects were great. Truly didn't expect it to end as it did after the start, even brought a tear to my eye. I'm very much in a similar position and have the same aspirations. Treasure the little ones every day, they grow up way too fast. Well done with this.

Thank you for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think I put a bit too much juice in the biggest moving ships. I had 3 more sets of upgrades I wanted to add but unfortunately ran out of time, think I spent way too much time messing with animations and trying to fix the rotation issue. 

Thank you ever so much for playing and for your kind words. Looks like you spent a bit of time in the locker! I was hoping to go one step further and have the flying dutchman come out of the sea and track you but ran out of time.

For a demo this is very good and certainly throws in the surprise after the first day. Even made me jump! Plenty of potential for this if you keep working on it. The tutorial was a nice idea too. Good game

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For a demo this is very good and certainly throws in the surprise after the first day. Even made me jump! Plenty of potential for this if you keep working on it. The tutorial was a nice idea too. Good game

I didn't know what to expect but this was great fun. The random spawning when the level starts is a good idea and keeps you on your toes. Card element works well and I love the particle effects when you set the enemies on fire. Good game.

I didn't know what to expect but this was great fun. The random spawning when the level starts is a good idea and keeps you on your toes. Card element works well and I love the particle effects when you set the enemies on fire. Good game.

Thank you for the kind words and for playing, it took a lot of effort in the last days of the jam. I checked your game out and it is great, even made me jump!

This is a fun and spooky game. I like how the light fades towards the end of the screen, the artwork is good and that dog made me jump! Great game

Great idea and lots of fun

Great idea and lots of fun

Great idea and well executed. I scored what I would if I played basketball normally 3/15, very realistic game!

Great idea and well executed. I scored what I would if I played basketball normally 3/15, very realistic game!

Very enjoyable game

Good idea, really enjoyed it. The background blends in well with the setting and the bike animations are cool. Fun game

This was so much fun, great idea

Who would have thought that hamsters and shotguns go so well together! Lots of fun and a great idea

It is nice to a different game take on a very real life topic. Very well thought out, artwork is great and a pleasure to play.

This was so much fun! I found the opening to missions funny and very well thought out. It is a shame you couldn't add the star wars music to it, but copyright laws. Great idea and well executed!

Really enjoyed playing this game. The random upgrades are a great idea. You wouldn't have thought this was only JavaScript, good job!

You can never play too many games 😉. Thanks in advance for playing. 

I did originally upload the game as a html file, but after playing it in the browser the lighting at night didn't work and the quit button locked the screen (not the browser though so you can close the page). The Windows and apple download seemed to be fine, I thought I'd keep that as the primary upload and keep the html just in case. Thanks for the advice, much appreciated 👍 

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It has been a productive last few days. I have managed to put the game together, add how to play instructions and build something secret that you will discover when you play. On top of this I have added in visual effects, sound effects, added to the upgrades, kind of a map (zooming out camera) and finally got the lighting sorted at night (previously worked but then wouldn't for a good few days). There are a few things I couldn't sort in time like collisions and rotating ships towards their movement points but I'm happy with what I have got.

I hope everyone enjoys playing the game, even if one person likes it I'll be happy! I'm looking forward to playing other submissions tomorrow. Well done to everyone who submits, it is a great achievement. A big thanks to anyone who followed and commented on this devlog.

Sail The Seven Seas by Super_Gaming_Nerd (

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Cheers, I'll be doing the same for yours, it looks great so far

Final Update

This is the last update for this game before it is submitted, a big thanks to all those that have stopped by to follow the progress. 

Pretty much everything from the 'up next' section in the last update has been left, this was so I could focus on the critical features for the game.

I have created a main menu and loading screen, I spent way too much time messing with animations.

I have also added the fix and upgrades system. The player can repair their ship for gold but this costs money and takes 15 seconds to complete. I have two upgrades the player can choose from, again for the cost of gold. I really want to add to these but not sure I'll get time.

I've got so many ideas i want to add but only have until tomorrow night to make any final additions due to family commitments. Good luck everyone, I'm looking forward to seeing and playing your games Sunday!

SuperGamingNerd 👍 

I'm really looking forward to playing this. The updated artwork and background looks great.

This looks great, and only using java script as well. Looking forward to playing it

Update 3

I have made some good progress again over the weekend. I have managed to build a basic world using tilemaps, it consists of a vast ocean and 5 islands. I have also updated the sprites on the player and enemy ships. These changes did cause some issues to begin with but it turned out the issue was between chair and computer (me), I managed to fix them once I debugged the code.

With the world being built i have now added 4 quests/missions, these work and pay double at night. They all pay the same, if I get time I'll refactor the code so they have different pay amounts. 

"Pay out at night" I hear you say, yes, the day/night cycle has been added too! The ships light up at night but not as well as I'd hoped, I need to add a few lights to the edges of the islands as well.

I have linked up the auto fire ui, players get the choice if they want cannons to fire automatically or manually by pressing the left or right fire buttons. I also fixed a bug where enemies were shooting at each other!

Spawn and patrol points have been added. Enemy ships will randomly spawn at a random location and head for a random patrol point every 30 seconds.

Up next

I need to add collisions to the game. At the moment ships go over other ships and land, a bit emersion breaking.

Enemy ships do not rotate as they move towards the patrol points, this could do with being fixed.

I want to build a basic ui panel to allow players to repaire their ship or upgrade it using gold.


If you made it this far, thank you. There is plenty left to sort but I'm running out of time so I'll focus on the absolute important things for now and see how I get on. Below are a few screenshot of the new look.

Happy jamming

Thank you very much for your support. I've managed to add the day/night cycle, I'm really pleased with it. I was going to post a demo but after building the world last night and updating sprites I've managed to cause an issue with the cannons firing and effect the lighting. I think it's linked to the sorting layer and global lighting, I'll check it out tonight 👍 

I love the art style and the game idea, its developing really well. The cat is great and made me chuckle.

I think your Saturday schedule hits the nail on the head. Ultimately it's a fun game jam, enjoy developing and what will be will be. I'll have to remind myself of that tonight when I continue my game :). You're doing great,  keep it up 👍 

This is really starting to take shape, you're making good progress. I like the sound and particle effects when you blow up a turret.

You're making good progress, i might just steal that smooth movement :)

Sometimes it just doesn't happen, at least you managed to get some play testing done. I like your tutorial idea

That is a great idea. Maybe when the enemy ship is close to 0 health they stop moving and you get the opportunity to board them? If i get time I'll add this in.

Thanks for the support. 

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It's coming together, I'm pleased with the progress. Yeah I went with 2D/top down because I find it easier to use than 3D, you can add your own art style relatively easy too (I.e. pixel art etc). Art in unity is easy to implement in my opinion, you can create a 2D sprite and import any image you want over it, saves a lot of time.

I've seen your devlog, your game sounds great. Thanks for the support.

(1 edit)

This is a great idea and use of the theme, looking forward to seeing the end product 

Update 2

I have made some good progress over the past few days. I have managed to add in a quest system where you go to a start point to pick up cargo and then go to the end to drop off cargo and collect the money. When you pick up the cargo a marker will show where you need to go, this is effectively a line from the start to the end. Quests can be completed over and over, this is mainly to ensure the player has a way to earn money consistently.

I have created the UI that displays the amount of gold you have. This gets updated when you drop off the cargo. I have a placeholder for the image but this will be changed to a treasure chest.

Sticking with UI, I have created the player UI where they can see the health bar, click buttons to change the ship speed to allow the ship to move forwards itself, click a toggle for manual or auto fire and the manual fire left cannons and fire right cannons buttons. The last bit needs linking up but nearly there.

Finally I have added cannons to the enemy ship and added script where they will fire at the player. 

All this in 4 hours, I'm happy.

Up next

The most challenging part is left and that is the day/night cycle. The writing and updating of time will be ok its just the lighting around the world as the game switches from day to night. I've seen a few videos on YouTube that I'll check out at lunchtime.


Here is a screenshot of the latest update. The two sqaures are the quest start and end points, these will be hidden when the game is live.

Happy jamming