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A member registered Sep 21, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hello warmwishesband, 

My team doesn't have a composer, so if you are interested in a dark comedy about two yanderes and a hermit obsessed with Oreos and living under the same roof, you can email me at or connect at my discord, Jazzyupdrawings#8594.

(2 edits)

Hello Goiiaba, 

 I would love to bring someone to the team to work on writing. I have a background in programming, UI design, and visual storytelling.  If you are interested in making a dark comedy story about yanderes and a hermit, then you can contact me by email at or my discord at Jazzyupdrawings#8594.

I voted for Little Mermaid and Beauty and the beast. 

The two most exciting ideas for me are Hansel and Gretel and Cinderella with a horror spin. 

We could also do a horror spin of Little Mermaid, Rapunzel, and Beauty and the Beast. 

1. I'm interested in doing some horror aspects and exploring how to create a suspenseful atmosphere. 

2. I'm working alone on this jam. 

We should start retelling an existing story because  I think it will keep the scope low and keep us more focused on storytelling than on the ideas and concepts of a new story.