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SJ Jason Liu

A member registered May 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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The models are great and quite fit to the theme! I love soulslike games and this is definitely looks like one to me. It took me a while to figure out the timing of parry and when I've successfully parried an attack from enemy, it felt so satisfied, that is really cool!

I love the concept! This hooked me for a while to solve the puzzle! 

And the sound is so matched to the game theme and art design!

Thanks! I wish I could do it too, lol.
I'm quite good at losing stuffs.

Gameplay is great and easy to handle!

Love your work is frendly to mobile device and the controlling is smooth!

I like the concept of switching between real world and neon-punk world! And the music is great!

The music is so great! It would be better if adding a laser sound when shooting.

I love the concept between 2 dimensions and the Tron-like aesthetics! And the control is smooth!

Thanks for your reply! I would think of making more content to extend the real world experience!

Love the performance style of your game!

The story is great and music is so beautiful.

Thanks for your advice! I would improve the countdown in that way! 

Love the concept of your game! 

And its really hooked me to spend times on solving the angle of jumping!

I thought I have built a high-enough wall.. I would make a refresh/restart button to prevent refreshing the browser when failed! 

Thanks for your advice! 

I haven't notice the speed issue, and coyote time is such a great idea! Thanks for your advice!

So glad to hear that!

Thanks for your reply! I would keep working on polishing this game to make it looks better.

Hi, I'm looking for a teammate to complete this game jam, too

Can I join your team?

Hi, can I join your team?

Me too! Wish you a good luck!

I like the spinning laser!! So cool!