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A member registered May 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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Chicken go boom. Nicely done.

Simple to pick up; nicely done.

Holy wow, this is the best game I've seen so far. Everything: the art, sound, story, and of course the theme of the game. This could honestly be built upon to sell. I told them there was 6 people in the room and that I was Jesus. Then I was prevented from spelling my name backwards by some malevolent force. I'm gonna come back to finish this when I have more time. Well done!!

I bit wonky; a bit more balancing on when a fail-state occurs would improve this. Otherwise, this is well done.

Was there anything after the car scene? I saw there was a bar on the left that could fill but not sure. Anyway, that eating animation was really well done. Creepy lil game.

If anyone runs into issues, the [with Race View] version works. Idt the win_64 version is functional.  Anyway, I'm a massive fan of an old pc game called Gearhead Garage. This is a small scratch to an itch. Very well done. I did get a massive fix job where the vehicle was on fire and all 4 wheels are ruined. Definitely not enough time to complete it all. Drove away with no wheels... impressive xD

The very start of the game could use an extra second to get one's bearings before moving the ball. That being said, I really enjoy the movement of the ball. Nicely done. A couple of power-ups and this could be pretty wild.

Thank you for playing. I couldn't figure out how to get the minions properly attached to the spline path from world space. That's where my productivity crashed to a halt, unfortunately. Imma continue working on it to figure out how to make it work.

This is the most charming game I've played this jam. Really represents the theme of the jam perfectly. After successfully feeding my fishy wife, I decided against my better judgement to fail the next run. A+

Simple, but well presented. Nicely done.

Ya done hit me with nostalgia, certainly much easier than the arcade game. Well done.

This takes mental dexterity. That first horizontal bar got me immediately xD this is a really well done idea.

This was really cool. A bit easy for me to accidently click outside of the window. I really enjoyed this. The art was terrific as well.

Cool concept. I may have inadvertently shot my character a few times. Nicely done.

I get stuck at the "Wait can you repeat -> sure or silence". I enjoy the visual style though.

I enjoyed the part where they get mad at you at the end. You were just trying to help. Nicely done on the jam.

Simple matcher game. Nicely done on the jam.

This is honestly an idea that could spawn a really cool full game. This jam is also very well done. I enjoyed watching the middle character just get horded on.

I'm not really a fan of games that mess with directional input, but this game does have a nice visual presentation. Well done for that.

This is charming game. The visuals and gameplay are well done. However the hover detection could have been a bit wider. Nicely done on the game.

Sometimes I could put something down, but sometimes not; not sure why. But the round would end halfway through before the emus reached the other side. Was this a fail-or-win state? Still, nicely done for a 2-day jam.

The game sometimes crashes when hitting the play button in the menu. Otherwise, this was quite a charming visual theme. Nicely done.

The tutorial said the game was simple, but I was still confused. I lost at the end, not sure why. Still, nicely done on the jam.

Took me a good couple minutes to figure out the possessing mechanic. Place object, then possess it. Confused me at first. Very cool project. The visuals are great as well, nicely done.

Gettin' my fill of brains today. Nicely done.

Nice to see Wario finally get his own standalone game.

Interesting concept. A bit easy to cheese. For a 2-day jam, well done.

Hmm, after seeing those lil circles, I pretended like I knew exactly where all the cities were; def legit. Nicely done on the presentation.

The visual presentation was very well done. I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do though. Or how to regenerate my "action-bar?" I would sometimes see a little object hopping between rooms (I assume the heroes), but I ran out of actions. Nicely done though.

Big grasshoppa! Nicely done. At first I thought I was supposed to do something with the builds, but then explored and found da big enemies.

It took about 40 seconds to realize I was supposed to be strafing. Me just sittin' there shootin' xD. The spider-like movement is pretty nifty. I did jump super high above the map, couldn't come back down for awhile, and then a blur of my character on the screen. I think I fell down through the map there. Still, well done. Not sure if there was an end game.

Just like the previous comments, I figured out about the ui wonkiness. I think the text is maybe set to block raycasts? But I think the gameplay is very cool. Stationary, but the main abilities are like a mix of Ori and Angry Birds. Nicely done.

I plant. I harvest. Not sure what the cloud does. I would get up to like 30some wheat and the game would reset. Not sure if that's the timer, or fail-state? Still, well done for the jam.

No joke, that "raaaa" infecting sound had me laughin so hard xD it took me a bit to figure out that I wasn't just supposed to avoid the enemies. I quit out and looked at this page and saw the "munching them to multiply", and booted it back up. Figured out it was the spacebar to infect, and I was having a good time. Well done.

Props on the concept! I was losing in a 1v1, so I was like how about a 9v1. Still rekt me. Had me a laugh, well done.

I wasn't sure what I was contributing to the hero character. I figured out the switch weapon button, but not sure what else the squire's role was. Still, well done for a 2-day venture.

That was a charming ending. Nicely done.

I chuckled when I saw the towers moving along the path. Well done.

Very well done on the art and music. Those bugs looked dope. The steering control was the only major issue that I saw. I spun out, slid down a slope, and fell through the map. Had a nice laugh though, ty xD