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A member registered Nov 02, 2013 · View creator page →

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I don't have a mac to test it on, but I think I fixed it.

I don't have a mac to test it on, but I'm pretty sure I fixed it.


The page is a short story.

1. Something is flowing through the air, a dance that reaches their ears (What is it?)

2. The thing from 1 is echoing through the cave, far below its peak (Who or what's peak?)

3. The thing from 2 is shielding them from the flashes of that (What are the flashes of death?)

That's weird. Did you have the page open that you solved?

If you've figured out the other lines you know that this story is about an actual forest, and that that part is not a figure of speech. So the focus for this line lays on the 'does not speak' part. Maybe that helps.

(1 edit)

Note that each page is like a short story. So what is happening in this story, and what has happened to the storyteller that they are no more?

Thank you so much!

Yeah sorry about that. I need to fix that bug. It only happens when you're on a different page as you solve the first riddle. You can check the walkthrough for the page that has not been translated.

You can also delete your save file by pressing alt + c, and then refreshing your browser.

What is the error?


Check out the walkthrough if you need any help.

Sorry about that. I made some changes to make it more clear.

Yeah sorry about that. I made some changes to make it more clear.

Gonna delete this because spoilers

Sorry about that. This is fixed now. Check out the walkthrough for the translation of the page you are missing.

(1 edit)

Try drawing it in a different way. Sometimes the game has trouble detecting a certain symbol.

Each of those lines is referring to a different symbol. So yes, one of them might be referring to dragon, but then the others do not.

You can drag the .txt file into the custom Notepad.

I really like how you implemented the theme. It was confusing at times, and I won't deny that sometimes it was more guessing than puzzling, but still I had fun trying to figure out what exactly it is the computer wanted from me. really nice graphics, and lovely music.

Nice game! Unfortunately the water glitches a lot, but I appreciate it when people try something new during a jam. The music is nice, and in general the game looks pretty!

This was really good! Becomes a bit repetitive after a while, but it helps that there are so many bacteria (or whatever they are) some of whom can do some good damage if you don't watch out. I'm always a fan of boss fights. I liked the sound effects you had for the dialogue.

A nice simple game. Interesting movement from the entities, and a nice balancing.
Not sure if anyone else had a problem with this, but I don't recommend setting your fullscreen to exclusive mode. My computer went all weird, each time the game restarted.

Really nice game! I like that you really need to zigzag your steps instead of simply moving straight forward with all legs. The moving of the legs was quite sensitive, but I managed to beat the game.

Nice game! The difficulty rises a bit too fast when you hit the 20 windows clicked, but I managed to hit the 30. I like that you give the cursor a bit of a curve as it rotates, and the trail is nice as well. Smart use of the blue title bar, to use as a timer.

Thanks, and fixed!

I have yet to discover the best strategy myself. At first I was spending all my money on the cheap sequences, since they appear a lot, but on my last playthrough I went for a different strategy. Keep the common sequences low, and invest in the less common numbers. By keeping the common sequences low, you are more likely to hit those big numbers like tribonacci and pronic.

Interesting read! I had similar experiences after winning Ludum Dare 28. Sometimes we get lucky, and we need time to get to the point where don't need to be lucky.

Ludum Dare 54 is going on as I'm writing this, and with the theme Limited Space I'm seeing games that use a similar mechanic, but I will always think back on this game. I'm not sure if you were the first to implement the window resizing mechanic, but to me you were.

Oops, you're right. I fixed the upload of the MacOS version.

It has already started! Check out the Discord server.

Yes I need to fix the space issue some day. In the meantime you can play the downloaded version.

Oops. That's from a different game. Accidentally it got shipped with this game instead. Thanks for point it out, it's now fixed.

There seems to en an error. I'll look into it, someday.

Really nice! I've played games like these before where it takes a while before it gets interesting, and when you die you don't want to go through all that again, but I didn't have that with this game. The game has good balancing all throughout.

The different weapons and upgrades provide for interesting builds. In my second run I went for a Staff of Destruction build, which was very effective, until it was not. Lots of fun!

That was fun! Really impressive you've made all that in a week. Especially since you had to make two versions of those levels. I imagined it as a game about a kid walking around his town being nostalgic.

I think it's great that you were able to get to the square! That's certainly not easy.

You're allowed to use third party assets as long as you have the rights to use them.

Yes, you can still join!

  1. Open Discord
  2. Scroll to the bottom of your server list and click on the +
  3. Click on Join a server (at the bottom)
  4. Enter this link

That should work!