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A member registered May 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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great mechanics and solid 2d artwork :)

Loved all the GameDev.Tv references lol, cool graphics, theme was on point, mechanics worked flawlessly for me :)

DOPE, love the visual health HUD, i bet that was hard lol. 

whoa, best rounded game i've played so far, great art, lots of mechanics, even the itch page is decked out lol

some of the best pixel artwork and title screen i've seen so far \o/

clever controller rotation component where the character looks at the cursor :)

cute game all around :)

Excellent game overall, great map design, good music, cool mechanic

very clever level design and use of human to slime forms to progress

Even had a credits screen, well put together for a single dev on a project that included A.I. that tracked the player; well done :)

killer music and great effects on the portal, my spacebar didn't always work though oddly enough ._.

Holy cow that was hard lol, made it to 38 gems :)

Solid code, great 2d anims, good music and sound effects 

very good player controller and the artwork has a cool style, couldn't get past the spike jumps though lol

The pixel art and sound effects are next level on this little project lol; I made $14.25 \o/

thanks for the feedback, i'll play around with some variables to see if i can get tighter controls :

I thought I did, but maybe I did it wrong, first time game jamer here :P