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Seliel the Shaper

A member registered Sep 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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We've heard reports that it doesn't work on the newer Macs. The Mac version was made by the Godot compiler, so unfortunately we don't really have a way to make any fixes. We'll try it again after the next version of Godot. But until then, we're just out of luck. Sorry 🙏🏽

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By "demo application" I'm guessing you mean the Sprite Customizer? That app makes flattened sprite sheets with your desired clothing, hair, and color palette. The animation you need to create yourself using the Animation Guide.

In the "farmer_base_effects" folder, find the animation sprites in the "farmer props 32x32 v00.png" file, and the inventory icons in the "farmer icons 16x16 v00.png" file.

The key at the bottom right of the animation guide may offer some assistance.

Please consult the "farmer base animation guide.png" found in the "_supporting files" folder. It will explain how to make all the animations.

Is that a newer machine? Someone else said it didn't run on one of the newer laptops. Unfortunately, there isn't much I can do about it. I think it's an issue with Godot? I guess it's just incompatible with your setup for now 😥

Great! I've just sent the download key to the email on your account 😁👍

When you click the "Download Now" button, it offers the free sample and suggests a $5 donation. I'm pretty sure that's what you paid, right? If you'd like to unlock all of the content, you need to manually change the $5 to $19.98, which is the minimum price to unlock everything.

I admit itchio's interface for this process is a little confusing, though. So if you want to "donate" the remaining balance ($14.98), I can go ahead and send you a download key that unlocks everything.

A new character sprite has entered the chat! 😅 Nice work! 😁

Very cute! 🥰

Great quality! 😍

Worth noting, because I'm sure people are going to ask: the Hero Base will be a true base, just a naked body with a bunch of animations. The intended use is for you to choose the animations you want for your character and then draw (or hire someone to draw) a unique outfit/hair/weapon on top of it. The Hero Base will not come with a bunch of swappable outfits and hairstyles like the Farmer Sprite System.

Worth noting, because I'm sure people are going to ask: the Hero Base will be a true base, just a naked body with a bunch of animations. The intended use is for you to choose the animations you want for your character and then draw (or hire someone to draw) a unique outfit/hair/weapon on top of it. The Hero Base will not come with a bunch of swappable outfits and hairstyles like the Farmer Sprite System.

I have no plans, but I've compiled a collection of good-looking UI packs that should work well with Mana Seed assets. Find one that suits your style 😁👍

Just in case you missed it, I've recently published the animated horse 🤗

I don't know. But if you resize the sheet and don't expect the autotile brush to work, probably. None of my assets were made with any version of RPG Maker's limitations in mind, but plenty of RM devs are using them nonetheless.

Thank you, kindly! 🤗

Love the shipwreck!

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I've included one black, two gray, and one white. If you don't like my variants, you're welcome to make any kind of recolors you want for your game. But bear in mind: if you want the value range in your palettes to look good, and work well with the rest of the art, you're limited in how dark or how bright your colors can be, and how deep the contrast between each step on the color ramp.

There's a series of 3- and 4-color ramps found in the Farmer Sprite System if you feel like experimenting with different hues without losing the Mana Seed touch 👍


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I finally released a much-requested rideable horseto go with my Farmer Sprite System. The farmer sprite character has animations for petting, mounting, and riding the horse, and the horse has animations for three walking speeds, jumping, striking, kicking, and more, in 4 directions. Combined with many of my other packs, like Farming Crops and Livestock Accessories, you've got everything you need to make a 16-bit farming sim 🤗

Yes, you can make any kinds of edits or additions you want for your game. Good luck! 🙏🏽

That's not likely, I'm afraid. Way too much labor for little payoff.

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Hey, glad you like it 😊🙏🏽

Unfortunately, carrying weapons visibly outside of combat is not something that's supported out-of-the-box. If you want that for your characters, you'll need to copy-paste frames from the sword and shield into new layers and arrange as necessary for the pages/frames you want to cover. Or load them from the consolidated weapon sprite sheets and position them appropriately in your game engine's animator.

4 directions

Too real...

Hey, thanks! Do you mean like the line around the top of the walls? All the structural elements in the screenshots are from my Iconic Homestead pack.

That's correct, the ruined alternate tiles are unique to this tileset.

Well, you have some really lovely art, with a very distinctive style. I'm sure your assets will be very popular 🤗 Good luck!

You can make and sell a game using the sprite sheets, but you can't give the sprite sheets away or sell them. Just the game you made.

Thanks, I'm glad it's working for you!

Very nice!

I will eventually update this to add more animations, but combat moves are not likely. That's not the kind of game this was intended for. Something like riding a bike, ice skating, or dancing, would be much more appropriate for this asset than fighting with a spear, for example.

Thanks for the compliment!

Each of my "Home" style tilesets has its own unique interior. You can find links to each one in the Cozy Village Bundle. And my Steampunk Manor tileset also has a different interior:

Hope you can find what you need!

Look forward to a couple years of painful lessons, then scrapping it all to start again with hard-earned experience 😉

Nice work! I shared it in my Discord 😊👍

oh my, don't make me blush 🥰

Very pretty 💚

That's right, there's no single-product limitation on the free sample. Other licensing restrictions still apply, so please read the Mana Seed User License before proceeding. Thank you!

I would like to someday, but the reality is it may not even happen this year, as I have a few other big projects in the works. There are a lot of great creators on the site making good stuff, though. I've put together a collection of quality overworld map tilesets that might work well alongside Mana Seed assets:

I hope you can find something that works for you!