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A member registered Oct 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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great job, congrats on your game!

Really fun game, super cute, I loved it!

Fun game, well designed puzzles, great job!

This is really awesome and adorable. Great job!

Awesome game, much fun, great art style, solid job all around!

Seriously fantastic game, awesome puzzles, awesome aesthetic, really great job!

Great game, super impressive for a jam!

I did have fun with it, great job!

This was super fun, great job! Same as other commenters, I couldn't get past night 3, but I might try it again another time.

Thank you! I left a rating and a comment, but I didn't think of much to add that other commenters haven't already said. It's a great game!

Fun game! I absolutely love the look of the fire, great aesthetics. 

No worries, thanks for trying! Your game was a lot of fun, I left a rating and comment!

I had a lot of fun with this! The controls were very smooth. Great job!

Thank you so much!!

Thanks so much!

Thank you!!

All of the purple books will have audio clues when clicked in the correct order, and you’re correct to be trying the order on the paper on the desk. Many of the designs are similar to each other, just mirrored, so make sure you’re looking carefully at the designs and clicking the right book.

Or, if you’d like to DM me on discord, @seedborne, I can send you the exact puzzle solution.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you for the suggestion! I'll definitely have to do some research on how to do that and try it at some point, if not with this game, a future one for sure. 

Thank you for playing the game, and for the feedback!! Super happy to hear you liked the art!

Thanks! I almost took that puzzle out because when I designed it I kept going back and forth between being worried it was too obvious to being worried it was too complicated. But I figured if I can't decide if its too easy or too hard maybe that means its a good puzzle? Lol, so I kept it in. 

I do plan to increase the volume of the audio cues for that puzzle though, I think that will help. 

Rated and commented on your game! 

Thank you for the feedback on mine as well :)

Really fun game! I didn't make it to the end, after a couple dumb accidental deaths after making quite a bit of progress I gave up lol. But its really great!

Thank you for the compliments and for the resource! I'll be sure to try out your new game as well!

I took a few days off after submitting my game to the jam, but now I'm back and ready to hop in and start playing and rating everyone else's games! Please post your game links, I'll do my best to play all of them. I'll keep coming back to this post until the end of the jam, so feel free to comment even if this post is old when you see it :)

If you'd like to check out my game as well, here's the link: It's a point and click escape room puzzle game. This is the first game I've created entirely by myself, usually I work with an artist, but I decided to use this jam as an opportunity to start learning pixel art. I spent the bulk of the jam period creating the pixel art assets, and as a result the game is pretty simple, coding-wise, but I'm still really happy with  how it turned out. Thanks in advance if you do decide to try it!

Thanks so much!!

Thank you for the compliments on my game! This is my first attempt at pixel art, so it's awesome to hear someone loves it. 

And I'm happy to see you were able to get past the part you were stuck on! I do plan to do some more audio balancing once the jam voting periods end that should help a bit, especially with the bookshelf puzzle. 

Oh, and, it is intentional that the drawers don't have visual feedback, I just didn't have enough time to add that in, so they only use audio cues. 

Thanks so much!

Yay thank you!! 

Also, it's so nice to have other devs play my games, I really appreciate that you understand the work involved! My family, when they try my games, love to say "Why don't you just..." followed by something that would take days of coding and/or asset creation lol. 

Thank you, glad to hear you enjoyed it!

Thanks so much, that's exactly what I was going for! :)

Thank you! This was my first time creating pixel art, actually my first time doing my own art for a game at all, so it's been really exciting to see that people think it actually looks good lol

Thanks so much! This was my first attempt at pixel art, so 'beautiful' is a huge compliment!

Thank you so much!! Simplicity and a bit of challenge is exactly what I was going for :)

Thanks! Awesome to hear you solved it! And yeah, I just explained in another comment but basically I was way tired and ready to be done by the time i was doing the audio, and wasn't as careful about sound balancing as I would usually be. 

Also, the game doesn't do a good job of telling you this, but you can put the fire out by clicking on it. And then you can just re-ignite it by clicking the log again. 

Thank you :) And  yeah, I was on 40 hours with no sleep when I started adding in the audio and mixing it, so I really didn't do a great job with that part lol. I'm not sure if I'll go back and add more visual feedback or not, but I will definitely be rebalancing the audio once the jam voting is over.