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A member registered Apr 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I spent a LOT of time on it, probably too much just for a jam game lol!

Thanks! The level progression isn't very balanced and others have said level 2 is really hard, so don't feel bad lol.

lol, drawing maps will probably help! I was running out of time, so I never really organized the levels by difficulty. Thanks for playing!

That's a very good suggestion, thanks for the feedback!

Nice work for a 10 day jam game! Congrats to the whole team! I can tell a lot of effort was put into it!

Nice classic game! Great work!

Extremely unique idea! Never seen anything like it! Nice work creating this in 10 days!

I love the concept! I like good hard games! The only thing I would say that could use improvement is the power bar. It seemed a little too hard to get the exact power I wanted. Other than that it's great!

Very nice work! Enough fun to keep me playing through all 12 levels!

Nice work! Feels like a classic arcade game! I got that good or bad I wonder....

Great game! Not only is it fun but it helps me get better at faster typing too!

Love the graphics! Very unique concept!

(1 edit)

Nice game! I can tell you put a lot of effort into the level design!

Nice concept! Fits the theme nicely too!

Really unique concept! A lot of fun!

Love the way you implemented 2 dimensions! The levels were well created too!

I like your way of thinking! :D

Or maybe we're just geeks.....Good luck either way! :)

Thanks! I didn't have enough time to make a tutorial, but I plan on adding one once the game jam is over. You can also move your view by using WASD if you didn't know that already.

Good ideas! Thanks for following me! I think I might make the level selection screen a galaxy map with different planets that each have their own unique features.

Thanks! I didn't have much time for balancing, but I will continue to update this game once the game jam is over. I think a quick tutorial displaying how everything works would help out a lot for players. I think the map could be reworked a bit too, or just add a few more maps.

Thanks for your support!

Hi there! What I had in mind for the menu screen was a better and more detailed "how to play" and maybe a settings button. And the "Play game" button would be changed to a level select button.

Thanks for the help with music! I try to spend most of my time on programming and graphics and not much time on music. Sometime I would like to learn how to make good sound effects and music although that would take even more time than just searching for some. :)

Thanks for you feedback! I whipped up the menu screen in the last few minutes, so I wasn't able to put much effort into it. I will be completely redoing the menu in the future. Deselecting towers by default I think will help make the game feel smoother and I might add some hotkeys to make the gameplay feel quicker and easier.

Sound effects and music is my weak point. I was able to get some good free sound effects of but I have a hard time finding free, royalty free music. I will try to add some at some point. If you know of any sites I can look at for free music feel free to let me know!


Thanks a lot! I appreciate the feedback! I will work on adjusting the turret menu to make it less clunky. I threw in the sound effects on the last day, so I didn't really put a whole lot of effort into it. Adding a pitch variance will definitely be near the top of my to-do list!

Again, thanks for the feedback! I will continue working on this game as long as people seem to enjoy it!

I like a nice casual platformer! Keep up the good work!

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Nice entry! Cool game mechanics! Good programming job!

Nice game, good entry!

Thanks a lot! I had a ton of fun creating it! I'll try out your project!

Thanks! I had fun working on it!

Thanks! I worked hard on it!

I forgot to put the game files in the zip folder. Oops. Everything should be fine now!

Oops, sorry! I forgot to put the game in the zip file! I think I got it right this time!

Alright, I added source! Is everything good now?

Oh, I forgot about that! Thanks! What would be the easiest way to include source?

Try going to They have thousands of free to use sound effects, all you have to do is give them credit! Hope this helps!

Yes, I made everything except for the background. I have had experience in Blender for almost a year now, but it did take me a good 8 hours to make all of the assets!

Thanks! I had a ton of fun designing them!

Looks very well done and thought through! Is it going to be a puzzle game? It looks like an escape room type game!

Halfway through the game jam and I have slightly over half of my game finished. I better hope everything goes smoothly! (or just spend more time on it)

It's going to be a turn-based tower defense game. The enemies have full AI pathfinding. (the most difficult part to program) Still need to add UI and get the enemy spawning to change over time for difficulty. Huge thanks to CMaxo who helped solve a UI overlay problem! I found out that I think I actually enjoy graphics design more than coding since I started this gam jam! (I still love programming)