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A member registered Jul 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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Lol yeah getting outside the walls can happen right now, thanks for the comments!

I like how the world changes. Once all the jumping part was over with it was pretty pleasant doing the world-switch puzzle. I think you should build on that! I don't like the way jump works. It's as if, you have to be moving for around 1 or 2 seconds to jump far enough. I could literally stand right by a platform and hold 'W' and press jump and the player just jumps straight up and doesn't move. When it does move forward it's clear I was holding W long enough, but it's unclear how long I should hold 'W', and I think you should just have the player jump the same amount as long as the player is moving and jumping. Probably using the velocity the player had at the start of the jump and adding that to the velocity of the jump while disabling velocity adjustments while in the air. That's understandable for most games but this one, if you want to keep the platformer vibe, just set velocity to a constant speed throughout the jump  in the direction the camera is facing. You could even make 'W' + 'Spacebar' a different handler function than 'Spacebar' alone. Idk, something to think about, sorry I nerded out right there lol, hope it helps. Fun game by the way! Hit me up if you keep working on this.

It's pretty fun, tried it with my son :)

Awesome, I think we rated eachother's already :)

I love simulation games. This is a good start on one. 

Hey, I like your game! Great job teaching the player, I need to  get better at that for my next game, too late for this one:

Made it to the end! Great game length for this. You do a great job teaching the player how to play the game. After figuring it out, I enjoyed that bit about the last level lol

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Post your game here and trade some ratings with other commenters. I'll rate your game, feel free to rate ours as well.

Thanks. The capacitor going through the world when you jump on it is not supposed to happen. Still learning Godot physics

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Pretty good game. Like what you did with the 2 dimensions. Took me a minute to notice that I was actually switching to different worlds, at first I thought I was spawning in a block and a tree lol, but then I noticed what was going on by the time I got passed the first ghost. That's good enough, it's hard to get people to understand how your mechanics work. Oh you know what would help, slightly different colors (even a tiny brightness/hue adjustment) probably would have conveyed 2 different worlds much better

Shared feedback sound good,

Love the art style. Thought the same as PaulPlay in regards to the cars. Would be cool if the bad guys made an attempt at killing the hostage, or if the characters moved around a little. Neat style, everyone likes it, I think you found something unique you do that people like

Awesome feedback! Sorry to hear about your bad experience. I actually watched a few people play the game and I purposefully didn't give any hints at first to see if they could figure out the level. Like you, nobody was able to figure out what needed to be done. I appreciate your feedback very much, and hopefully next time we can work on our levels to make some small, simple levels at first and gradually progress the player's skills into a full-featured level rather than throw everything at the user at once like we did with Robbie. The other levels weren't finished in time for the release, so they have their own problems. Definitely going to address this problem in the next one :)

Yeah we have cables in our game too, and it is literally a nightmare. We just let cables go through each other in our game too

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lol! that's not what I meant to give you

Thanks for the feedback! There are so many ideas that never made it to the game, and a tutorial and narration never made it in unfortunately. We'll definitely address this in the future because everybody has a problem figuring out what to do lol

Neat game

If you're stuck on the menu, press 'A' or 'D' to turn the pages.

That's an interesting take on the theme, I really like it! The controls are hard but that's to be expected. I like the skill-aspect to the game, You can get them split apart just right and set up a double jump ability- like a grappling hook. I like it when there are neat little tricks built into the game mechanics. Well done

We're going to fix that in the coming days. In the meantime, please take a look at this video to get an idea of how to play. What part were you stuck on?

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I like it. Perfect game length for this jam, too. I'm going around trying lots of games and I like a few of them. Yours is well done, and I didn't encounter any bugs. I tried your game 2 times. Curious how my playthrough went? 

First time I didn't read instructions short of moving around. I was able to get some little guys following me around and thought that was pretty cool. I couldn't figure out how to throw them at flowers at first, then I ran right into an enemy and died lol. 

The second try I read instructions, found out I could throw the little guys and sought out to that flower again. Lo and behold, it worked! Only problem is, I thought the little guys were stuck after I threw them, so I moved on without them trying to find more. Couldn't find anymore, and also I noticed that I couldn't pick up the food without help from my minions! Thankfully, I had enough food stockpiled to stay alive and figure out that I could go back and click on the little guys to get them to follow me again. Alas! Now that I had them back, I Tried throwing them at bad guys to no avail. No worries, the time is running out so time to run around and find all that food I couldn't pick up earlier.  I felt like despite my blunders learning the game, I was rewarded with a victory notification the second try.

Well done, you made a pretty fun game. Would be awesome if you would try our game. I learned a lot from playing yours, and hope to make Robbie and future games more fun. :)

You're going to want to keep developing on this one, all aspects of this game are very well done. Only played a few levels so far, but the game is fun, a little challenging at times, and the story is pretty funny, too.

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Well, here it is, our first gamejam creation, Robbie the Robot:

Lots of blood, sweat, and tears went into this game, but somehow we forgot to implement the blood sweat and tears into the game mechanics... Maybe next time we'll get it right ;)

The controls are hard to use, we're going to update it soon. For now, just know that `A` and `D` keys can help you navigate through the main menu. Pause to see countrols (`~` key or 'P' or Pause key, ESC doesnt work in browser). You have to long-click to change tools. Capacitors are often dirty and require vacuuming before installing. When installing capacitors be sure to Solder them in place. Batteries do not require solder. 3 Levels, the last one I was up all night trying to get working, but I had to disable the last puzzle in order to get the game submitted in time :( 

Oh, and there's a problem with the Itch desktop app for your game. I think you need to select "Windows" as a target platform so I can install it through the itch app.

Ya, so I got to a point where I could press E on the metal boxes and get through to where the wood boxes are, but it wasn't very clear when I was holding a crate or not. Like, E showed up, I press E, and sometimes the box would move a little, so I tried holding E. How exactly does moving crates work, it was really hard to tell if I was in a move state or not

Lol I really like what you did there. It's funny, easy to understand, and a really fun little game to encounter. I like that you have to continuously try and keep your cords organized, it would be a bit more frustrating but make sense if the cables could wrap around each other and get tangled, but I know how difficult that could be to do right lol. Well done

Hey this is fun! But idk if there's a problem or not, I die right before going through the tunnel everytime and idk why

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Awesome! Let's share reviews of each other's games. We're a team of 4 and for 3 of us this is our first game jam!

Cool idea. I got stuck on the first level. I think there's an issue with moving the crates, or maybe I just couldn't figure it out

Hey thanks for the feedback! Yes we are in dire need of explaining the tools more. This is a puzzle game of sorts, but some direction for the player is much needed.

Thanks for the comment! It's not your fault, we know the controls are kind of hard to use right now. There is so much more we wanted to do. For now, I'll go ahead and put some more information in the description. Thanks for the feedback, I'll try your game in a sec