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A member registered Mar 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Had a great retro style game play was a bit confusing might have to come back to this one :) 

It was interesting but the controls were a little tricky particularly the jump and the falling down bridges were unforgiving also. The music was spot on had a great feel to it though :)

It was a bit of a suprise when i hit the pong game and was slaughtered lol. Nice platforming in the earlier section felt pretty good Marioish.

Nice bit of fun, keep it up :)

Loved the intro and lead in followed by some pretty solid platforming - good job!

Really cool game great art style :)

Damn so good well done on such an innovative game :)

Really nicely made little platformer story - well do on making a whole experience with best score and ending. The musi was the most standout feature purrfect choice for the feel of the game.

Super fun game mate great puzzle platformer antics - reminded me of old school gaming and loved the dynamic level design and awesome retro music :)

Thanks for the feedback and sorry about the carrot bug, I noted that myself as I was testing in the final hours sadly there was not an obvious fix. Rather than break it trying to rebuilt under the pump which may have caused larger problems I had to leave it in till I can fix after voting.

I am glad you persevered and finished the game 😀

Thanks for the feedback, I was so close to being able to complete the experience we had planned 1-2 days but that said I found a few buygs and last minute fixes as is standard in the jam experience. We will definitely shine it up after and get it just right in the nexts little while.

This was a great example of the physics capability, I still have a long way to go on learning that myself. Great game and right on theme 

Who'd have thought licking frogs could be so addictive, loved your concept and level design.

Um might just be me but I couldn't seem to fire, I could just fly around and try and dodge the mayhem. If the theme was bullet hell would have been onpoint :) 

The goal of the game is to get Unstable'd out of the stable lol. Thanks for playing lots of good learnings from making this one ans plenty more to come 😀 

When combined look out the window to the vege garden and click on the mouse on string  ;)

I apologize for thesome bits can be buggy I ended up doing it so you just select the string and touch the mouse icon in you inventory to combine. If you are holding an item you dont want just click right mouse to return to your cursor, hope that helps a little. 

Some plays I had had little glitches and then when I revisited worked fine, after voting I am going to try and clean up improve and fix these issues.

Thanks for letting me know :)

This was a great game or set of mini games, I really enjoyed it :)

This game looked like it had potential but had too much repetitive clicking and not enough variation.

I like you interpritation of unstable very meta, I also liked you display the score the wrong way round I was very excited to see i was in first place.  

It really needs to give some feedback to which button you are pushing even when missing as I am just too unco to look at the keyboard and screen.

Great game I was sad when I finished it and went to rthe leaderboard but my score was not there (no one elses was either). I quickly figured out it was more important to pickup points then kill more.

Thanks this jam is our first time with the full team and feels like we executed well. 

Thanks for playing!

Every item has a use in our fully planned out game. I had to short cut in to a temporary ending as close loomed for the jam. I will have to get stuck back in and complete as planned after voting. 

Dialogue had some clues but was mainly used to establish the odd situation of our story and how we met the theme. 

I will work on building on this for more clues. Any suggestions are welcome 😀

Thanks for playing

Thanks for the feedback I am going to try and rebuild a specific mobile version once I finish this one properly. I will experiment with your suggestions then 😀

Thanks for such lovely feedback, we are pretty proud of this one 😀

Thanks so much feel good to have brought click and go games back to the people :)

It was strange there was a lot of high quality design going into the game and I could see the UI but once I got to the clam I could do nothing not even die?

Cheery track thanks for explaining the secong level may need some tutorial in game.

Thank you Kami Amiga 🙂

A few of mine are broken or fails (technically from what I pictured goind in( they were all learning experiences so I keep them displayed proudly.  Thankfully most of my newer ones are good and working lol, must be improving. 

I liked Sl1d3r and Chopper rescue alot as concepts and I think they had good themes which inspired me. 

If you ever wany to compare notes or collab feel free to reach out. If you are on Facebook I am Rico Richard Searle 😀

Great to meet another Kiwi Gdeveloper and thanks for playing. Which bit of the country are you from? I'm in Chch. 

Duncan's just a grumpy boy... we've all had a run in with a antisocial horse. Thanks for playing.

lol it was only a Jam scoped project so with getting to the mouse you were well on your way 😀 Thanks for giving it a go!

Thanks I better get stuck in to putting it together the last nits arts all done lol

Thanks for playing

Thanks glad to hear you enjoyed your playthrough 😀

Your welcome I always like to try and give some useful suggestions.

I know the feeling ;)

Thanks with artist Matt on the team it has been cool trying a different art style - glad you enjoyed it.