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A member registered Nov 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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This is a pretty cool game with a neat story! Art and music is good.

Thanks for playing!

Fun game! Would be nice if the player could jump, but I like the simplicity of it!

Thank you very much!

Always cool to be a mob! Once I figured out the controls, I was able to win

Thank you!

This game is comedy gold!



Yes I think once I got passed wave 7 or 8, it started to get really hard

The lore behind the game is pretty cool!

Thanks, I'm glad you learned something!

Nice game, I really dig the art and music!

Thanks for playing!

Gotcha makes sense!

Big fan of tower defense! One question: is it intended that once you reach a certain level, the enemies become impossible to beat?


The music is pretty catchy and the player is kind of OP. I would line up a group of enemies and destroy them with 1 hit. The sound did get crazy so I had to turn it down.

Appreciate the comment! My goal was for the player to look up tutorials if they don't know how to do something.

Thanks for the feedback!

Gotcha! Once you set the numeric password, make sure to press "Run" and move the player to the key

Thank you!

This is a really cool concept! I wish there were more levels!

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it!

Haha, I hope you like the puzzles!

This is a very cool game! It took me a while to master the controls, but once I did, I was able to defeat all 7 aliens!

Thanks for playing, let me know how far you get!

Thank you!

Thanks for playing!

I'm amazed you were able to make this game for the game jam. Very fun!

Nice, great minds think alike!

This is a pretty cool game! I wish it had an inventory system to make it easier to switch between objects.

Thanks for the comment!


Nice game! It definitely requires some mechanics, but maybe it's just "skill issue" XD

Good point about the lack of variation! I ran out of time and wasn't able to add more game mechanics.

Makes sense! If I had more time, I could have added more game mechanics.

Really fun game! I wish there were shortcuts to build structures much quicker.
