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A member registered Nov 13, 2015 · View creator page →

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This game is REALLY good and would work very well on phones. Excellent control design. As a small critique, I think it would be a lot better if it got harder, faster (like with spikes on the roof for example). Great work. After about 8 minutes of play, I found myself in a very long play session and my attention wandered. I lost the intensity that roguelikes tend to have. If you continue to work on this game, varied levels with different game mechanics introduced would be a huge plus. Great work. You should be very happy with this design.

Thanks for trying the game out. It was really great to watch the video. Should result in some bug fixes and changes (blood constantly looping at death spot, zooming in on winner when dead). Last time I debugged with friends I had had a few beverages and forgot to record it so this was very helpful. Watched a couple other of your vids as well. Keep up the good work!

Glad you had fun! Thanks for trying it out.