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RaptorJesus Games

A member registered Mar 12, 2014 · View creator page →

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Could you put up some downloadable versions of the game?

Great job, especially for a jam game!

Thank you for making this great tool! I think that if you finished it, it would be very legit.

I like any game that has islands, as islands are my favorite geographical feature. I don't know why. But this game is very nice! Great job on the plants!

This is solid! It's great to see that so many people are making procedural generation tools for the ProcJam! As an indie dev, I am very greatful.

This game is great! It looks fantastic and has a great style to it. Add in a soundtrack and a pause menu and I think you would have yourself an amzing work of art!

mac version?

Fantastic game! It's surprising how much we can do in only seven days. I made a game for the jam, but it's a pile of crap. Congrats!

Post-Jam Update 11/21/14

- improved frame rate, any lag experienced should not be as bad

- added controls list to pause menu

Will probably be the only post-jam update as it is almost a week since this thing ended, but I might do another one.

nice job mate, good to see I'm not the only one with a wandering game here in the 7dfps

FYI, controls list is on the game page along with everything else

gud job m8 i meeself am having muntage parody elements in my retail game

Nice game m8 gud to c that other people implement montage parody stylings into their games. i didnt do dat for da 7dfps but mah current commercial early acces game will have that sh*t