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A member registered Feb 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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good game

nooo i died at the final boss

The music is stacking up when I go back to main menu from game

Thanks for the help, Mr.Host! Thank you

Does Internet trouble counts?

can I use it in my game?

Very good. push. 10/10 

(1 edit)


Fun game. Diversity of skills makes me want to play again

The concept is good and it fits the limitation. Nice job! Just wanted some music 

LMAO I just want a hug why is it so harddddd. The game is funny 

Well polished game! i love the music and the lightings that fades out the other stuff when the camera moves. My time was 279 lol. 

Nice game

Hey if anyone is reading this..
Thank you for playing! 

We will be updating the game constantly from now on so leave a comment below so we can improve.

Of course bro

Awesome sprites

Well implemented! I was on the train and this is exactly the game I want to play. Its relaxing, its pauseable. However I cant feel the odds before reading the description. I played it as usual and I hardly find it heavily depends on the odds of dice.

Other than that this is a good little game. Btw those customized level designs are cute.

hip hip hooray !

Fun little shooting game 

The mix of block and rpg is great.

Very intense atmosphere, almost make me hard to complete the game. Also the maze part you did some teleporting there, despite the fact it is too obvious, it is also one great way to scare people. Overall well done!

Imo as long as there is atmosphere, horror game players will scare themselves, you dont have to do much xD

Nice key finding game. Also its creative to have a ui also related to dim light, like the gameplay. Great game overall!

Also the walking animation is hilarious xD

Its kinda sad that Mr.Lonely is still sad after making bunch of friends. It would be nice to see Mr.Lonely's backstory in the game. But the controls are okay and nice choice of music.

Great job. Nice choice of music too

The art is my type and I couldnt express how wonderful is it in words anymore. The game style is cool too, collecting stuff is just fun and im expecting the next collections everytime I go through the maze.

Cause making a maze game fun is hard, but you guys turned the bored maze game into a fun collecting game amazingly.

Music are suitable. Music from different coutries are played and im immersing into the game.

Perfectly done. The crown is yours

(1 edit)

The art is just perfect. Also the ending is kinda sad. I would love to see an extension of this story where Babo got a friend. The game is easy to pick up, the collections are from different coutries but without spoiling it in words. Super great game.

The graphics look really cool. Also I love the animation and light effects! I dont know how to play tho xD

Good news, its removed now!

Thank you for everyone's feedback!! Improvements has been made:

- Removed blur effect

- Damage SFX volume is lowered.

I wish everyone to have a nice experience playing. Also congrats if you have completed a new game!

Heh heh thanks! I wish I could drew like they do. But the sprites are downloaded from the interenet. You may check them out in the newly added credit part below the game desc.

really creative way to tell a story. I love this game.

This game is fun. I spent a lot of time grinding for materials and didnt know how to escape. The art, the sfxs, the mood. Everything works perfectly. LOVE THIS GAME

The art and game is amazing

play my game too if you dont mindxD

This might be the best one in this jam. Simple music. Simple tasks. But when all of them comes together, it becomes complicated xD 

Super fun game

Having an idea, programming and art in just 2 days are incredibally amazing.

A lightblub maze xD The implementation is nice. Also 2 days is hard to make an actually super fun game so its understandable. Nice job tho