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A member registered Jan 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Here's the link to the results video:

It's a memory game, but you play with the Death to get to continue your life.

The gameplay also got some new twists, like a death card that you can't touch and gaining coins to buy perks at a shop!

Check it out if you're interested:

Thanks! Great video :)

Now that's what I am talking about! I saved this game for last to rate, because I sensed it would be good. And it did not disappoint!

I adore how the progression system is designed. The sheer amount of different rings with fun different effects that aren't all just stat changes is insane (Like actually, how many rings are there? I need to know!).

I loved experimenting with various builds to focus on specific events and the system is well designed for that.

The difficulty ramps up smoothly, there's always a challenge, but it's so satisfying to sometimes just breeze through an event on full speed, or absolutely leap over any obstacle with ultra jumps.

Definitely one of the top entries this round in my opinion. The creativity and effort that you put in this remake is visible here and I must say, you once again created a great game!

The visuals are insanely good! Everything looks so pretty and feels so polished, I love it! The idea of making Track & Field, but 3D is neat and I got so excited when I saw that I could move around in the hub to choose events. I thought that moving in the events themselves would be in 3D (like for example that I could just go around the hurdles instead of jumping above them), but that would probably be too much to do for such a short time and the controls could get pretty complicated. What you have here is a very faithful remake of Track & Field that looks gorgeous while still having the retro art and feel.

Sorry, but this game is not free from bugs - It has a giant spider!

For real though, that beast is scary and so hard to outrun! Fortunately, it didn't stop me from enjoying any of the events. I think my favorite one was the knife throw. The 3D pixelart visuals in the running events look awesome, even though they sometimes make it hard to comprehend how far are the obstacles. I am impressed that you managed to make 5 different minigames, this game feels very polished and finished. Great entry!

I love that you kept the fun telekinetic mechanics from your previous game and expanded on them! All the events are extremely creative, but at the same time, every single one of them is so hard! The only thing that kept me playing was how quick the round was restarted after failing. I eventually managed to beat all of the events, but I surely am not intrested in getting lower times. Still, I am impressed by how many different events there are in this game. Well done!

The retro feel that you mastered with this series fits perfectly for a Track & Field remake! Everything feels very polished and I like the attention to detail. 

The dash event is pretty easy, but sadly I couldn't get through the hurdles. I've summed up things that I think could've improved them:

  • offsetting the camera so the player sees hurdles earlier,
  • increasing the jump velocity,
  • shrinking the hurdle's (or player's) collider,
  • making it a little more forgiving, because it feels like hitting one hurdle is enough to fail the whole round,
  • ideally, not making the player redo the entire previous event to attempt this one.

Now here's what I absolutely loved about this game:

  • The running animation gets me every time, it's so hilarious!
  • The story setup! The fact that I am competing against Mr. Monocles is very motivating.
  • The lines before hurdles are a great idea.
  • The stun animation is amazing and so well done!
  • The crowd cheering after every round is such a neat detail.
  • All the data being displayed at the top, just like in the original!
  • The retro music, it creates a very fun vibe.

I probably shouldn't have spent more time writing the comment than playing the game, but I hope the feedback helps. I'll surely return to play this later, because I can't wait to see how the story ends, and I won't let Mr. Monocles beat me at hurdles!

I like the idea of very quickly changing minigames, even though some more of those games would be great. But I think the retro feel from track and field is captured, with the pixel graphics and chiptune music. Fun game!

That's a lot of content for such a short time! Like, 7+ events and an entire character customizer?! Great job on that. And the retro vibe from the original game is definitely there. Very solid entry!

I am glad we get to see a continuation of the story setup in the previous game! Once again, the hand-drawn art is amazing, I especially adore the countdown animation.

All the events are really original and feel different to each other, only the third one was kinda tricky for me to get, but still pretty fun! And in the stoplight hurdles, I would move the camera a little to the right, so the crosswalk could be seen earlier.

One thing that's easily overlooked is that I can restart the round instantly after it ends, this greatly improved my experience. Overall, this is an awesome entry!

Very fun and really well polished. I like that you incorporated the swimming otter from your previous game. Displaying the top score made me want to play more to beat it (sadly, I am not that good at button-mashing). Well done!

Looks great, feels even better. I love mashing the buttons, and choosing a hand to mash them with is such a cool idea!

The artstyle is really neat and I love all the animations. Everything feels pretty polished and I didn't find any bugs. Also, I think I am good at this game, because I managed to hit the very ceiling with my jump.

Really fun remake! The screen visuals look great and the menu animations are indeed pretty cool. Also, the main menu music is such a vibe. The events feel novel while staying true to the original game. Only nitpick I have is that a faster way to restart a round would be nice. But still, a very solid entry!

Thanks a lot! Well, looks like you got dethroned on the leaderboard. Meanwhile, I managed to get to the top of your game's board. And I don't think anyone is beating my time!

Wow, such a polished and fun game, with a really spooky vibe. I love the sound design and the attention to detail!

The interpretations of the original events are so creative and they fit the vibe very well. The first event felt kinda unfair, because sometimes I missed, even though the circle was on a plank. And the long jump at first was very hard for me, it took me like 10+ tries to beat it.

But then, after I got the hang of all the events, the game became incredibly addictive. The leaderboard made me play many more times, just to climb it even more. It's just so fun!

Overall, a very high-quality entry. I hope you will finally get to the well deserved top 3 that you should have already reached in previous rounds ;)

Really cool twist on the original game, and it's incredibly fun!

The amount of events is impressive, I think that my favorite one is the fly wings - the controls there are really smooth. The controls in general are pretty intuitive, I only struggled on the skateboarding event (btw, what's that red area even supposed to represent?).

My small feedback is that I should be able to shoot while only holding the button and not have to press it every time. Also, the blue guys are pretty hard to distinguish from the white ones, red guys are better with that. But I understand that maybe it's intentional, to make it more difficult.

Overall, some stuff could be improved, but it's still a great entry and I had a lot of fun. Great job!

Very neat visuals with all the effects and stuff. I kinda didn't know what was happening though, I tried following the flying plant thing, but the floaty movement made it challenging and I have no idea what the purple portal on the ceiling does. I also tried going up and down from the beginning, but none of the paths seemed to lead me anywhere. But I must say that the audio design is great and overall vibe is really intriguing and well made!

Really fun game! I think the level design isn't bad and the movement feels good. But in terms of story, I wouldn't catch any of it if not for the text in the description. The art looks great though and I like how every level has different colors, mechanics and music. Well done!

Pretty short, but very unique entry! The way the environment conveys the story as player walks through each room is amazing and really sets up the mood. I was sure I was playing a horror game and waited for the moment to hide in one of the spots. Very neat idea for a story with a plot twist!

Good for you for putting life over the jam, there's always next year. It's really nice of you to submit despite everything, you will probably make someone very happy with that. Congratulations on finding a new home!

Really cool details on the main menu scene. I like the slow buildup, it sets the mood for the game. During the walk, the player can admire the cave's size. The music also fits very well here and makes the situation more dramatic. It's unfortunate that there is nothing more, because the intro made me feel like I am ready to fight the monster.

Very original idea for the gameplay and it really fits the task, because I feel like I am actually a caveman creating a story and documenting it with pictures in my cave. At first I thought I will have a hard time understanding the gameplay, but thanks to all the visual feedback and game juice I got it very quickly and started having fun. The graphics are beautiful, with the fire and stone wall looking great. One of the best entries this round, in my opinion.

Really fun little game. I love the blue visuals, everything feels cohesive and very polished. I appreciate the collisions tutorial, which is a nice way to get the player to understand the game. The ending was adorable, but I didn't feel like there was much of a story there outside of it. The difficulty is not too high, I managed to get all fish in my second try, it was a good idea to only slow the player down a little when they hit something instead of instantly restarting the whole run. Overall, really solid entry. Feels like a finished game, well done!

Thanks for clarifying it for Spoonsweet, you explained that really well. I left a note (using your words, hope you don't mind!) with a screenshot in the description for any future players that will have this problem.

The one button breathing mechanic is pretty fun and I love the first-person animations. It's unfortunate that there is not much more to the game, but I can see the potential. The artstyle really fits the game with all the scribbled lines and the audio is very good too.

All the art and animations are awesome. The gameplay is confusing, but fun to play around with. I didn't quite get the story, but I still enjoyed picking up and moving cats. Also, I love the pun in the title!

Wow, a really polished and unique horror game! I got stuck at some points, but I made it to the ending. I like how the story is told through environment. The visuals and audio create a very creepy mood. Great game!

The story is very engaging, I like how it is told between levels and how I can make choices to influence it.

The amount of art that went into this game, with all the cutscenes, is impressive. And all of it is great! 

The intro cutscene is really well made and though it could be slower, I think I understood that it was like a recap of main character's story.

Maybe that's your vision for this game, but in my opinion jumping shouldn't take like a second after pressing the button. After I learned that jumping while running is immediate, it made platforming 10x better.

Overall, a really solid entry. Well done!

The story is really enjoyable and well explained, so it is pretty clear. I love the gameplay, it's very original and fun, I like how every item had a different use. And the bossfight is very well designed, incorporating all the mechanics learned in the levels. The artstyle is really nice, I like how the whole game takes place on a scroll. Great entry, it fits the task perfectly!

The artstyle is awesome, I love the comic pages and their animations, they're so cool! Really unfortunate that there was no time for more levels, but I get it, real life always gets in the way. The story was pretty clear, but as I said, the highlight for me is the way the story is presented. Really great entry!

Really cute little story, the ending cutscene is beautiful. I must say you once again made me sad (but this time I expected it).

The puzzles are really interesting, but I am very bad at them so I appreciate the skip button. The minimalistic artstyle is great and the audio fits very well. Awesome entry!

That's a very original concept for a story game. And even though I didn't understand some plot points, I think got the overall idea. I like the U+I letters at the end, but I am not sure if that fits this task. The amount of levels is impressive and I like how every level was different (the dark level was very hard, though!). All the art and animations are very pretty. Well done!

Very fun puzzle game, I love the levels, even though some of them are pretty hard. The narrative is clear to me and the ending is really satisfying. Great job!

It's a neat idea to do a prequel to Sir Spectacles' story in this round, I enjoyed it! The gameplay is fun, I really love the bush sneaking mechanic. The retro style is as always on point. Very well done, especially considering your situation!

I love stealth games, and this one is pretty well designed. I also really like the style of the game. It is kinda hard though so I didn't get far. But, great job anyway!

That's what I call a happy ending! I like those kind of deductive puzzle games and these puzzles are really well designed. I never got stuck for too long, but it was also pretty challenging. And I am glad most of it couldn't be just bruteforced by clicking everywhere. Great job!

Really neat gameplay and I love the visuals! At some point I became paranoid and held the gun everytime I opened the door (and it was awesome). I don't know why the gun didn't always shoot, though. Also, I covered the floor with candies, because I could, so thanks for the possibility.

The music is a BANGER. Huge props for making it yourself! I had so much fun keeping track of the rhythm, also the whole idea of a game with no visuals at all is incredibly interesting!