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A member registered Feb 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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At first I was a little annoyed by unforgiving colliders and somewhat clumsy controls, but when the dive mechanic came in I really fell in love with it! Died a lot of times before finishing the first level, but it was so much fun! Great implementation of this mechanic! Also good luck with your steam game, added to wishlist!

Big kudos for making a game for both 1-bit and lowrez jams! I thought about it too, but rejected the idea as it's too much limitations. And yours is also a 1-button game, this is so cool! I really like how the spotlight inverts the graphics and the gameplay is pretty fun and addictive!

Nice little game! I liked the story, it would be cool if it was just an intro into a puzzle game where your goal is to avoid or fight the evil traitor guy and save the droids :)

That's a creative take on arkanoid! Really cool glitch effects and unexpected turns of events :)

Very nice mechanic and puzzles, I enjoyed playing the levels very much, especially the last 2. The difficulty and its increase are just right, great little puzzler!

A really cool concept beautifully implemented! Upgrades and achievements are adding a lot indeed, although the upgrade screen was a little confusing to me. Also removing the blocks is a really cool mechanic, but it becomes a bit boring after a while to clean after yourself, maybe add an upgrade to automatically remove the blocks that you have passed?  It could be a little cleaning robot kind of guy that could clean some of the blocks and could be upgraded to remove more? Just a suggestion, a great submission overall!

A really nice complete game, I enjoyed figuring out how resources and upgrades work, finished it in 4:22. It would be cool to have more different levels with more mechanics like switching attack paths or something, it would add a puzzle element to the game I guess. Very solid prototype with fitting graphics and music! I also like little details like turning animation on our units, and overall it really feels like a real game that just needs more levels and mechanics.

Nice little prototype! A cool concept and a nice implementation, I like that the danger level really decreases when you go out of sight of the enemy. It would be cool to have more complex levels, but for the very first game it is a very very solid submission! Keep going!

Also a little advice: to get more feedback and more people to play your game, upload a web version of your games as well, as far as I know gamemaker can make web builds. A lot of people just don't bother downloading executables and play only web based games. You can practice exporting your game and uploading it to itch as a web game to a separate test project, it shouldn't be that hard.

Nice and cute prototype! Some sound effects and music would not hurt indeed, I'd also consider adding some goal/win state. Maybe different levels? Also I'd try lower game resolution, the game has cool pixel art sprites, but the resolution is so big so it's hard to look at the details, sprites are tiny. Nice submission overall!

A really nice puzzle/platformer with cool switch boxes mechanic, but I'm not sure about the snake. It just adds artificial difficulty, and imo the game would be better without it. It is huge and turns towards the player instantly after switch, which often leads to unfair lose. If the snake were incorporated into puzzle design, that would be interesting, for example if there were some walls that the player can go through, but the snake cannot, or something like that. Anyway, kudos for trying such an interesting idea. Also the graphics are really cute and nice and the puzzle design is solid!

That was a surprising turn of events! Would be cool if there was some backstory of what happened. Definitely a creative take on the theme!

Nice idea, good job implementing replay mechanic, although it feels a bit unnatural, like why it's slowing down while falling in the second level? Kudos for making many levels and implementing additional timer mechanic!

This is so awesome! Thank you for sharing!

Beautiful entry! Great idea and implementation, and art/music really compliment the gameplay! I'd say that it needs more balancing, right now there's no point to place anything but the weakest group of enemies, my longest run was when I placed only low-left enemy at about double of their timer frequency. But if the score is not the goal it's really fun to place the ships as many as you can and see how long our tipsy hero can last :)

Also great job on ships' movement/bullet patterns, it was a really nice touch to the game!

Nice implementation of reversed asteroids idea. It's more fun on mobile than with a mouse, maybe even add multitouch capabilities? It'd also be cool if there were levels with spaceships of increasing difficulty or something like that. Also I think it would be a good thing to explain to a player how to make asteroids go faster. It was a pretty frustrating experience for me until I read the comments. Solid prototype overall!

A great idea for a puzzler! Simple and elegant and fits the theme perfectly, good job!

Would love to see more levels though, I was somewhat upset that just as I was getting the hang of it, the game ended. But ofc that's understandable for a 48h jam game. Great prototype overall!

Thank you for this awesome event! I'm now on the forum with the username polumrak

Wow, everything in this game is done so well! The graphics, smooth controls, gui design & animations, upgrades, soft music, the stars! I agree with Pawel that it's hard to tell whether an asteroid is gonna hit you or not, but I've never done a 3d game so I have no idea if it's even possible with such camera position. Maybe some intelligent spaceship protection system should fire an alarm when there is an asteroid ahead?

Not gonna lie, even after I read the instructions I had to make my brain work hard and observe for several minutes what's happening with the cars when I press buttons before I finally figured out how to play :)

The graphics are great, the idea is pretty neat, I don't have anyone with me right now to test it, but I think it would be pretty fun to play together. It would maybe be cool if the speed increased over time, right now it's a bit on the slow side. Great prototype overall!

That's an interesting combination, a runner and a platformer, it works pretty well! I'd only say that level design is too unforgiving, I fell to abyss so many times before was able to finish the first level, that was too tired to try the second one. But maybe that's just me.

Also the mechanic that you can control yourself in mid-air with attack is pretty cool, but I found out about it only after finishing the level and reading Pawel's comment, in my run I thought that that sneaky barrel coins are just traps and it's impossible to take them. Again, maybe it's just me, but I think telling the player about this not so obvious mechanic at the start of the game would be a good thing.

Nice idea, haven't seen such mechanic. Relaxing and good looking.

I would try to lower the probability of 4 and 3 length bars as it seems like they often block the progression and you have to make meaningless move and wait for stuff to happen in the bottom. Maybe also try to be able to push the block from the bottom to the top or something like that? This is not a critique, just some ideas, I understand it's an early prototype.

I also encountered a bug when the very top row stuck after the rows to the bottom went down. And after selecting a bar from that row the game bricked (I couldn't resist the pun, sorry :))

Cut all the trees, work done! :) Cute little game, nice starting point 🌲

It's a very satisfying process to just simply connect, disconnect and rotate these beautiful tiles! It's like magic. Great submission!

Not a nitpicking, more of a bug report: there is some strange blinking the moment a piece detaches from the map. I can only guess that there is a "vignette" sprite on a detached piece that becomes visible a frame too late?

Nice prototype, I like the art and the gameplay, although the map feature allows to exploit enemy pathfinding as other people already mentioned :)

I also really like the music theme, it has strong kinda Undertale vibes that puts the game in kinda cool not-so-serious setting, and these robots became not so scary :)

There is a bug though, shortly after level 5 (at first i read it as LUL 5 lol) the collisions stop working and it's impossible to kill enemies. In the console there are messages that amount of collision objects is > 128, so I assume you don't go.delete() enemy objects on death and just hide them?

Nice presentation and an interesting idea! Turn based combo fighting game I guess? :)

I must say the instructions wasn't clear enough for me, as I thought that I need to press the keys simultaneously and the first like 5 rounds I was pretty frustrated that sometimes my attack/defense worked and sometimes not with no hint why that happened. Then after trying different orders of quick presses I realized what I supposed to do, but still sometimes I felt that I pressed right buttons quick enough, at least at the same speed as previous successful try, but this time I failed with no hint why. I think some visual timers and/or text hints like "Too slow", "Wrong combo" would help players like me to not feel frustrated :) Anyway in the end I was able to get the right speed I guess, and was able to beat the boss!

Thanks so much! To be honest I didn't expect this game to turn out pretty good. In the first day I was going to try to make a very simplified FTL-like or Out-There-like space rougelike with a spaceship traveling through endless planets and solar systems, but at the end of the day realized that I'm not near as good at defold as needed for such genre. So I decided to make something simple with scope as small as possible. And making a shoot-em-up was a clear choice for me, as I already tried to make such game in another engine (tic-80) and had some sprites ready from that project. It was pretty hard at first, but when I managed to make the first enemy working with the first upgradeable weapon, adding two more enemies and two more weapons wasn't that hard. I also wanted to add some main screen graphics with proper menu and options (with sound level at least), but I'm glad that instead of this I spent the last day trying to balance the weapons by playing the game a lot and looking at the score I'm getting with different weapons. I think the R weapon is still the most powerful in the late total-bullet-hell phase, but at least the score difference is not as wide as it was at first. Thank you for this awesome jam, for me it was a great opportunity to dive into defold!

Thanks! No, there is no boss, I tried to stick to the theme and make a game with an infinite gameplay. I think it's possible to make a looping game where after beating a boss you start all over with higher difficulty, but I probably wouldn't have time to implement a proper boss. This would be a cool thing to do in a postjam version though!

Thanks! Glad you like it, cause I spent way too much time refining player's explosion animation, much more than I should've :) But it was fun to learn defold's particle system and in the end I guess it was worth it :)

Thanks! Good point about gamepad support, if I release a postjam version (which I probably will), I will add support for gamepads!

Thanks! This is my first game where I implemented both particle effects and screen shake, and I'm really happy how it turned out! Before that I only tried them in unreleased test projects in godot (which particle system was really overwhelming for me), and those looked pretty bad compared to what I was able to achieve here :)

Nice puzzle, great use of the theme. I like the symbols they are stylish and self-explanatory, that's just the way they should be. I think if the enemies were showing where they go next, it would improve the game, it would remove randomness and resulted in more pure puzzle in my opinion. Because as for now in many cases you either risk losing(or quickly killing an enemy) or roll around aimlessly just waiting when the enemy randomly exposes itself to 100% death. I'm not sure what mechanic is best, but personally I'd be more inclined to play my version. The game Into the Breach is a good example of what I mean, monsters there are showing direction of their attack next move, it's the core mechanic of the game, and I really like that game. But maybe I'm wrong and here such mechanic is not needed, but I'd try :)

Pretty cool mechanic for a puzzle game, although I was having troubles understanding what's the goal/win-state, it's not written anywhere, neither in the game nor on the game page. It's says "paint with the appropriate number" on this jam page, but no mentioning of the mechanic of addition, which was not obvious for me. It also starts right away with pretty difficult level, first levels in such games are usually simple tutorials that teach main mechanics, I think here such tutorial levels would be relevant. 

I think the jump needs some "coyote time"(aka ability to jump during some short time just after the player left the floor), it really felt to me all the time that I pressed the jump when I was still on the floor, but jump didn't occur. Apart from that, the game felt pretty fun to me, nice mechanic, also great music track, just the right style to fit the game, wasn't tired of it after dozens of tries, and really cool track in general!

Great pico-8 game, lovely graphics, lovely parallax, interesting boss fight! The only thing I didn't like is that the boss can spawn right on top of the player immediately damaging her, that felt wrong to me. Also the soundtrack would greatly improve the atmosphere, something in the vein of robocop 3 would fit perfectly here!

It's fun to play, the music fits the gameplay, I really like how the movement feels. The only thing that was really missing for me are upgrade descriptions, the current images don't convey much information to me. Pretty good game <wtf>overall</wtf>!


(1 edit)

Хорошая идея для казуалки. Мне кажется пока все слишком рандомно, если бы показывался следующий цвет, то было бы интереснее и скилловей, или хотя бы если бы цвет не мог стать тем, на котором сейчас находишься(это очень нечестно) и может еще следующего. В идеале если цвет меняется в воздухе, и нет прыжка, то не менять на тот, на который летишь(тоже нечестный рандом, но может лучше и оставить, чтобы игрок не прыгал постоянно даблджампом, но тогда таймер его возвращения поменьше бы). Визуал и музыка хорошие минималистичные, для такой игры то что надо. UPD: ах да, забыл добавить, что попадание в тему джема отличное! В такую сложную тему и так элегантно!

Классная идея, но моих навыков микроконтроля не хватило, чтобы ее пройти) Попробую еще на днях с утра на свежую голову, а то стыдно перед собой!

Заставка, арты, вступление с первых нескольких экранов, туториалы - очень круто, прям как надо, но дальше сложность становится неоправданно высокой и не очень приятной) Экран  где нужно пролететь мимо двух шипов и пропикировать на платформу(это который после двух длинных провалов) мне так и не удалось пройти после наверное 200 попыток, каких-то миллиметров не хватало каждый раз. Мне кажется даже в Celeste, которую я прошел, я только в паре мест так долго перепроходил, и в конце концов проходил. Коллайдеры у шипов явно слишком большие, и непонятно какого размера наш коллайдер(тоже явно выходит за границы спрайтов, часто смерть наступает, когда визуально никто никого не касается). Еще решение сделать круглый коллайдер у игрока в платформере на точность это непривычно, и я бы не стал так делать, но может можно это как-то обыграть на уровнях. Но так-то мне кажется в хороших платформерах обычно прямоугольник.

Если не видел это видео 

то очень рекомендую, там и про коллайдеры, и про ускорение/торможение(которые в этой игре на мой взгляд тоже слегка бесячие))) и еще много про что.

Ну а если не учитывать не до конца продуманную сложность, то очень приятная красивая игра, с удовольствием поиграл бы в допиленную отплейтестенную версию с кучей уровней и всяких красивых динозавров)

Олег очень классный, геймплей бы не помешал, но и просто Олег тоже хорошо)