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A member registered May 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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Really beautiful little game. The ukiyoe effect worked so well with the way you designed the landscape.  Only addition I could think of is maybe some birds or running water or something to make the scene feel a bit more alive. Awesome work!

(1 edit)

Really cool game. Loved the art, the concept was really unique. Pretty difficult but still enjoyable. Also experienced a neat bug where the yellow orb made the ball keep growing until the camera was up in the sky. Also enjoyed the mini dev log on the game page, thanks for that!

Looks like this would be fun if the speed issue was fixed!

This was super sweet. it played beautifully, great concept, wicked audio and art. would have like a counter for the coins (i like to see numbers go up) and the only time it felt a bit blocky to me is when you can't jump between the platform and wall even though it looks like there should be enough room. Those are such subjective/minor things though, it was fantastic overall. Nice work!

I like the concept alot and the art, music, and sfx are great! It's totally worth updating the camera script when you get a chance cause it seems like a fun game other with just the difficulty of controlling that getting in the way. Nice job overall!

Really awesome job on this!! Gameplay was super smooth, nice implementation of sfx, fun little story. It would have been great if the actions of the past lives fit more cohesively into the present round, as usually it just felt like they were just shooting randomly and if they helped out it was just lucky. I don't really know what that would mean though or how you could develop that..  it could also just be me not playing with the future in mind enough. Anyways though, something like that would probably change the game alot and it was still great the way it was. Way to go!

 Controls work well and sfx work well, it was enjoyable for a short playtime. Could have done something more dynamic with the link between the two unicorns as right now the 2nd one will never experience consequences the 1st one doesn't, but good job putting this together!

(3 edits)

Really nice work! The minimal gameplay elements were still enough to renew engagement (though I would have enjoyed more) and the art was perfect. I got a bit tired of reading long blocks of text, it could somewhat be due to the font, so an addition of voice acting could have been sweet had you had time/access. That aside, the story was compelling and I really liked the ending. They got what they deserved....

good job! the explosions feel nice and it has an interesting puzzle element to it. the only thing for me was it was unclear whether the explosions would chain together or not. sometimes mushrooms far apart would still explode and other times not. 

(1 edit)

This was really cute and the concept was great! Like others have mentioned maybe mixing up the level design, adding a minimap, and adding some player feedback would be good for motivation and direction. I really like the idea of finding clues as to where you're going though, and the mail delivery was the perfect story for that. Definitely room to expand on characters and story too if you were to keep working on this. Good job!

What a cool idea! I loved discovering how it affected the player's different senses. You did a great job with the dialogue too, conveying alot with just a line each time. I feel like I got to a point where I couldn't do math anymore or just didn't have enough neurons, and the lack of balance was making me a bit dizzy after a while but in a way that's very fitting haha. Really nice job!!

Really nice job. what a great puzzler!

This was super cool! I loved the art (especially the sudden zoomed out screens with the cliffs), and the gameplay was really unique. The way you got the thread to be all coiled was cool too - small detail but it added a lot of animation to the scene. Definitely lots you could do with writing an intriguing stor to go with it. Really great job!

This was so bizarre, and great! i had a moment where i was like "ok, this is my existence now.." and it was interesting being in the world you made, doing what clones do best..

hey nice job finishing your game! the art looks cool and i like the vibe with the music and rats. i didn't know how to play or what i was supposed to do, but it looks like there would be alot of cool stuff happening. just needs some direction for players. keep it up!

nice job! great job incorporating a story into the gameplay and art direction and music was nice. at first i was confused about how the scoring system worked but it's interesting that the log drop is on command or at the end of your 4 moves so you can really plan ahead instead of working on a timer as i thought at first.

nice art + basics of mechanics. good luck continuing with it!

nice job! the mechanics worked well and i liked the elements that added extra visual interest, like the tether line and that the bubble stopped moving when connected.

This game was cool! It was pretty difficult and I still didn't figure out what exactly was awarding me points but the mechanics were interesting and I loved the music.

Interesting concept. Sound effects would be nice, but the mechanics and layout worked well in general, although I would have liked to put down an object if I decided I didn't want to use it. I wasn't sure if I was missing some objects as well, because the game window loaded up the window super tiny and some objects were half off the screen. 

I liked this alot! I'm a fan of the art style and music and thought the mix of point and click + dialogue was a simple but interesting way to tell the story. I liked twist at the end, I wasn't expecting that.

Tysm!! Definitely had a lot of laughs putting the audio together for it. Glad you enjoyed =D

This was so hard but so intriguing! Really interesting concept and level design. I would have loved an undo button and for the movement to be a bit smoother but I think you've commented on the latter already. I'm def gonna come back after an update!

Thanks so much for the kind words! Greg (programmer) implemented all the audio just with unity, using a timeline running underneath all the gameplay, for which I (music) gave him cue times for different lyrics. He’s working on a dev log for it which will be up on his YT at some point.

My favourite part of the song =D . Thanks for playing 

I enjoyed this short little game, janky art included, it gave it a really unique feel and look. Like someone else mentioned I just had trouble seeing the cursor sometimes.

couldn't figure out what to do for a bit but after that i had a ton of fun playing this. cool mechanic idea, coin collecting super was satisfying, nice art. overall really well done

imo getting caught up in the animating not a bad thing cause those characters look rad. i totally love the boss scene with the three of them. cool simple mechanic ideas like the wall slap and suspend throw that worked well with the character.

(1 edit)

I had a lot of fun playing this! I like how much potential there is for their abilities to interact while keeping it simple with only one ability each. I also discovered Richael can wall climb when shrunk by repeatedly jumping against the wall. Not sure if that was intended or not but it was definitely a cool feature that gave me an advantage with some of the platforming =D

Yessssss this was so rad. just so much fun all around; concept, level design, music, sfx, art. love it!!

not sure if you're aware the game is "restricted" and the game page can't be accessed without "permission from author", just fyi

this was so awesome, i totally loved this! uncovering all the clues and different interactions was  seamless, it was adorable, the gameplay was super smooth, and super fun concept.

loved this! the art totally got me, the gameplay felt really good, great level design + variation, and totally wasn't expecting that ending. one of my faves of the jam for sure!!

fun idea! i liked the combination of timing + finding the right rhyme.

haha so glad you caught that! thnx for playing thru a couple times =D

Totally loved this. Satsifying on so many levels.. designing how the microorganism grows rotating and jabbing into enemies at the right time, art + music are rad. it looked terrific on the tv too, although if anything the size of fonts of the sub windows were a bit too small to read easily.  great job!

This was super fun! I liked the combination of puzzle and action.

The art on this blew me away, and the whole vibe of the story was really intriguing. 

This was super fun! I enjoyed trying to make my brain not just wait for one side at a time.

Really cool idea! I love the art too. It took a surprising amount of coordination to get past the first few screens!