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A member registered Aug 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for trying it out, glad you’ve liked it :D !

Yeah due to time i’ve made the enemy spawns a bit too random and the bullet patterns depending on what enemies and how many are present at a time can make things a bit too hectic can’t argue with that ^^’

I’ve made the enemies have somewhat of an invulnerability period at spawn to prevent them just getting destroyed off screen constantly cause i felt this wouldn’t be all that fun but i’ll see how i could better adjust this if i get some time to work on this post jam.

Real interesting take an the genre !

I dig how the game puts you immediately into the action no questions asked, got a bit confused by the movement at first but once i got it i really enjoyed it.

Visually all the models look good and are very cohesive together. Gameplay wise this feels quite unique i’m not sure how i’d described it, closest thing that popped to mind was Rez, and i mean that in the best possible way.

Won’t spoil it for those who haven’t tried it yet but DAT ending speach haha :p

Overall you did great, the game’s pretty fun ^^

Thanks ^^

Sorry, i don’t quite feel ready enough to participate in such bundles yet :(

Thanks for your interest and kind invite though, have a good one :)

Pretty neat entry !

I like the very NES style visuals and the enemy variety on offer, the fact you can choose between 3 different characters each with their own different shot patterns is also a nice touch.

The music is nice as well and very catchy at that :D

Overall quite solid, well done :)

Awesome presentation.

The game is visually really well made i like the strange spacey background with that 3D structure floating around, The music also fits this cosmic vibe as well.

The 2 ending routes are a nice change of pace from the genre, and i especially liked the fact that you’ve made it accessible with the fact that there’s no one hit death plus the initial shield orbs you get at the start.

Managed to get both endings, and i was a bit surprised by the dialogue in the second one considering the tone of the game but either way it was a fun time ^^

Good job :)

Wait a minute… are we the bad guy ? :O

Joke aside the game was pretty fun to play and feels very polished already. I really enjoyed the clean vector artstyle and the sea creature - inspired enemies are very darius like so that’s a very cool detail.

Didn’t have any particular issue with that one, well done :)

Oh i see, well no worries that kind of stuff can happen especially in a jam context :p

Yeah i’m a big fan of them as well !

That’s why even though it’s been done to death i still tend to go towards sci fi and spaceships when making shooters even if this one’s a bit barebones compared to others i made in the past.

No worries the difficulty is absolute crap and unbalanced cause i didn’t have much time to balance the Rng elements properly not to mention there’s not all the enemies i would have wanted to vary things a bit more.

Thanks for playing and your comment, glad you liked the game despite all the jank :)

Haha Nice pun XD Thanks for giving my game a go !

Glad you liked the spritework and music ^^

Thanks :D Glad you liked the spritework and music !

Most of the randomness of the gameplay came from the fact that i didn’t have much time to make anything better with the deadline on the horizon so i’ve added the semi rng based spawning to have the game be a bit less predictable and boring especially considering that there’s not much to it other than surviving and getting the best possible score. And due to time as well this randomness wasn’t properly balanced :(

But really happy that you liked it despite these flaws ^^

Thanks for your kind words, have a good one ! :)

No problem, the Metroid prime look from the screenshots is what draw me in in the first place so i’m not surprised by the influence :)

Dang well impressive then, especially for making something 3D within jam time :o

No problem, all well deserved these tunes are pure fire ! at least by my book :p

Amazing entry !

I really digged the low poly look and the ship designs, the player ship is very Darius like and the abstract enemies look great as well, not to mention that whole environement aesthetic going on with the whole “Sky Boats” and bright blue skyes, so cool. And the whole perspective shifting to take advantage of this being full 3D is just stellar.

The music is also top tier stuff, it really fits the whole PSX/Saturn game :D

My main gripe is the player’s hitbox seems a bit unclear, and probably too big to fit in some patterns, the dodge roll can help sometimes but not always.

Other than that it’s pretty solid, Great job :)

Awesome arena survival Fps !

I’ve had a blast trying to last as long as possible while playing this, i love how you get so many options for upgrading just about any stat possible to inch a bit more power every level up.

I also dig the low poly look and that main armcannon weapon made me think of metroid prime !

This is overall a solid entry, i think the only thing it would need more would be a bit more enemy variety, and some different levels rather than just the empty arena to spice the levels a bit more.

Other than that i’d say you did great, well done :)

Cool game with some very good spritework and music as well !

Gameplay wise i also enjoyed the fact that you get a difficulty choice, and the enemy variety and their patterns were interesting as well.

Did not have any real notable issue so i can’t add much more to say here.

Well done :)

Fun Boss rush type of shooter.

Gameplay wise i liked the WASD + mouse controls for the extra precision, the initial weapon and upgrade choice system is also a nice mechanic. It was also fun to have the fights be just boss duels it changes from the typical structure you see in topdown shooters.

On the visuals side i like the throwback CGA palette.

Music wise that tune is incredible !

My only gripe is the difficulty that feels a bit high. Other than that it was a fun game to try, well done ^^

Really cool entry with interesting mechanics and an absolute banger of a soundtrack as well !

The concept of managing your budget while shooting and buying new guns when you run out of ammo is pretty original, while i didn’t get all the ins and out of the stock marcket part, i really liked the weapon buying mechanic with the limited time sale to try and get the gun you want.

visually i really like the player bike it goes perfectly with that banger metal ost \m/ è_é

In a way the overall atmosphere of this one reminded me of some old Newgrounds games which is quite awesome.

Overall good job :)

Thanks for giving my game a go !

Glad you liked the music and spritework ^^ the patterns are probably not the best cause i tried to partially randomize enemy behaviour to keep things a bit more varied since i didn’t have the time to implement all i initially wanted to.

Thanks ^^

glad you liked the enemy designs they were a lot of fun to make, i wish i had been able to implement all the sprites i made cause there are still a few in there that didn’t make the cut to fully functionnal enemies in order to meet the deadline. Also happy that you liked the music, not my best work but it’s cool to see people seem to like these tracks so far :p

Oh and no worries about the difficulty, the game is absolutely not balanced so that’s that XD

That is quite a concept for a game XD haha

Jokes aside it is pretty fun to play especially when it gets quite hectic before you manage to get the multi shot upgrades. Bonus points for humour of course with such an insane premise :p

Overall it’s a neat little entry, good job :)

Pretty fun concept, the mechanics are a bit unclear at first though even with the tutorial thing.

However once it clicks it’s a really fun system to use and sorta forces you to be careful with your shots to not overextend yourself and get dammage accidentally.

The artstyle is quite cool, those abstract ships have some interesting designs and the b&w aesthetic works well with it.

The music is also really good.

overall quite a fun entry, well done :)

Fun game with interesting mechanics to boot, though a bit hard to understand at first.

I like the spritework and music though, and the gameplay loop feels interesting and new with the risk reward of shooting giving you health damage forcing you to decide when to retreat or dash into enemy fire to decrease your radiation levels.

Good job ^^

Cool original concept and theming.

I like that you’ve made something other than the classic space themed shooters with the whole microscopic medical drone thing, the artstyle is also really cool and i like the artwork decorating the side UI pannels.

The music is pretty rad as well.

The game felt a bit hard at times buth i’m thankful that you’ve made a generous continue system that allow players to see the full game even if they end up dying a lot :p

Overall very solid entry, well done :)

Awesome with tight controls, if just a bit short.

I really enjoyed playing this, the boss and pattern feel like it’s just the right amount of challenge, especially with how precise the mouse controls are.

This has good potential, it needs more levels, bosses or both to extend the experience a little bit more.

But with that said still a solid base, good job :)

Really cool concept and perspective !

I dig the 3D/2D blend on display here, the player mech’s design is also pretty rad. The tune is a banger and really fits the hectic action on screen as well.

The bullet capture mechanic is quite good once you get the hang of it, and hitting a green bullet just at the right time to clear a tough pattern is also quite satisfying.

If i had only one tiny nitpick is that the boss lacks a bit of feedback on hits and i have no idea if there was still a long way to go or not to defeat him, i think displaying his hp would be a cool addition.

Other than that great entry and i’ve had quite some fun playing it, well done :)

Thanks for trying my game out and your feedback!

Happy that you liked the tunes, these are not my best though i’ll admit i managed to make 4 tracks still for variety.

I tried to make a small hitbox which stayed somewhat logical with the sprite but i think i should have probably made it a bit smaller, nothing i can’t fix with updates if i get the time post jam.

Thanks ^^ i’m glad you liked the art, iv’e had fun trying som stuff with shader and particles this time around cause i wanted the game to have this more arcade feel thus the more modern aspects XD

Thanks for playing ! Haha yeah i didn’t have the time to properly balance everything so it is a bit hard, glad you still liked it though ^^

Nice little Asteroids style game.

I like the fact that you took a classic formula and improved it by giving the player more control of their ship with the strafing keys, visually i like the ship designs both player and enemy ones, and i really like the attention to detail of having the thrusters correspond to your movement keys.

The bouncing bullets are also a nice new addon to the formula and spice things up a bit.

didn’t have any particular issue with this one so i can’t say much more.

Good job :)

Super cool take on th theme !

I really enjoyed the way the upgrade system works with the whole “choose a la roguelike” but with the coin’s added twist of increasing your chances. I didn’t imediately understood the full system at first but once it clicked i was hooked.

The visual style is also pretty interesting with the whole neon vibe going, as for the music, absolute banger ! can’t say anything else \m/ è_é

This also feels really polished for a jam game, plus there are quite a few levels on offer here (managed to reacxh level 5 max so i don’t know how much more there is)

You guys did great congrats !

Cool that you’ve already prepared a fix, and no worries i get that during voting you can’t update :)

No problem, haha well the realistic jets style and the instruments sound on the music kinda made me think of it so its cool to see this was your actual inspiration ^^

Holy hell i did not expect voice acting in this this was really cool :D

The gameplay was pretty fun as well, and i like how you didn’t cap the firerate and let the player be able to spamclick for some rapid fire, the pixel art is pretty neat as well, i like the enemy and boss designs they look quite rad.

I won’t spoil it for anyone who hasn’t played it yet but, oh noes dat ending :o ! great performance by the voice actor also.

Well done :)

Super awesome game !

This was tons of fun to try, the artstyle is beautiful, these either sprites or models (i can’t even tell that’s how well animated this is) are animated buttery smooth.

I kinda like the contrast of the very chill music opposed to how chaotic the gameplay gets with all the shots everywhere.

There’s also a good amount of variety on offer here both with the starting weapon options, the powerups/curses and the different type of enemies.

Feels already quite polished as it is right now. Great job ! :)

Sweet retro goodness !

I really enjoyed the music in this one, those are some chiptune bangers, the spritework for all the jets, helis and boats are also very well done. This has a sort of Raiden mixed with 1942 sort of vibe to it which worked quite well.

THe multiple phases of the boss also feel very satisfying to destroy, and i like the fact that the enemy planes attacking during the boss are telegraped by showing them take off on the carrier runway, a very nice attention to detail.

my only slight gripe is that the base enemy bullets (the small red ones) are a bit too small and thus can catch you a bit off guard at times.

Other than that no real issue with the game this is quite solid for a jam entry as well.

Great job :)

Fun arena shooter with quite some variety on offer.

I really like the random weapon upgrades and the fact that there seems to be so much to chose from, also the gun sprites look great especially considering how low res they are.

My one nitpick is that the player movement even the dash to dodge feels a bit slow so this makes it a bit hard to reach gaps to avoid some shot patterns.

Other than that i had a good time trying this. Good job :)

Cool shooter !

I like the fact that you have mouse aiming in this, and the themed magic wand cursor to go with it XD

The overall spritework is really awesome be it the backgrounds, main character or the enemy roster with quite some variety to boot :O

My only tiny nitpick is the enemy arrows, they are a bit hard to see, i think instead of realistic arrows you should go for a bit flashier colorful stylized ones to help read the patterns better.

Other than that i had a good time, Good job :)