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A member registered May 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Muy chulo, es un juego sencillito pero que se adapta perfecto a la temática y ofrece algo bastante innovador y entretenido, yo creo que poco más se le puede pedir. Es un gran ejemplo de que una idea buena funciona mucho mejor que invertir horas de programación de sistemas más complejos. Enhorabuena!

Impresionante apartado artístico y una idea muy original. Es una pena que unos cuantos bugs me hayan empeorado un poco el juego, haciendo difícil saber qué hacer. Las combinaciones también me parecen algo escasas haciendo las noches un poco repetitivas, pero también comprendo que es una jam y tampoco hay tiempo. En conclusión, es una idea muy chula con una presentación increíble. Sin duda jugaría a una versión futura.

El juego esta genial, pero lo que de verdad me ha volado la cabeza es el efecto de los campos de gravedad cuando pasas. Es un shader o que es eso? Ta to wapo.

Mis congratulaciones, de lo mejor de la jam

He de reconocer que me ha dado un poco de pereza al principio con lo de "clicker", pero cuando he visto que había una estrategia y mezcla con habilidad me habeis callado completamente la boca. Es un giro super original y habéis pensado unas mecánicas muy chulas y variadas para ir incrementando la dificultad. Definitivamente mereció la pena el tunel carpiano de hacer click, enhorabuena!

Thank you so much, Im glad to hear you enjoyed it.
We thought about using cinemachine, but it was more extra work :(

Literally its almost not rated with 6 rates so far hahahaha. Thank you so much for your comment and your rate!

Amazing. The best game of the jam. No more words needed.


Don't worry Im gonna promote you to 6 club ;)

This is a lot of work guys, but I think that was completely worth. I think is a great concept and the best way of use the application limitation. One of my favourites!

I really laughed when it made me write on python hahaha. Its a pitty it isnt finished, I like the concept.

I love the concept and the mechanics. You have very clever level dessigns with very different use of mechanics. Definitelly one of my favourites of the jam.

I really loved the atmosphere and presentation. It fits really well with the story. My only problem is that I found it a bit long. I know thats important that the submarine movement was very slow but at the end I felt it too much. Anyway I think is just my personal taste, not a game problem. Congratulations, you really did a very unique and worthy playing game.

I've already rated your game. 

I like the idea and we have 5 ratings only. If someone else is interested in this rate for rate I will do the same :)

Thank you

Hey thats a simple game but is really funny. My only problem is that I like geese :_(

Anyways good job mate!

O.o  wow, thank you so much, im glad you liked it

You are completely right, we would like to add some checkpoints but you now, we didnt have time enough. Thank you so much for the feedback!!

WOW AMAZING!!! I really got hooked on this game. Challenging but fair, incrediblibly fun. It reminds me to Super Meat Boy, but in the best sense. Here you have a great seed for making a big final game. But just please, change the restart button. I always press it to reload like on shooters.

Really smart dessing. I liked the way you have to place strategically turrets to not stopping shots and the way you should choose between control the camera to watch cell surroundings or to place turrets. Good job!

Yeah, thats true. We wanted to put batteries on the robot's back to create a well integrated HUD, but then they had to be used as blocks so we had to ballance both and sacrifice some battery width. And I agree with you, some levels are too much punishing. We focused on teach the mechanics but we didnt have time enough to make the levels more confortable. Thank you so much for the feedback, thats really usefull.

No waaaaaayyy really? Hahahaha I guess that great geniuses thinks the same way ;)

Hi, here you have our battery life related game. I hope you like it :)

There is still a lot to polish before the 1.0 version but I love to heard this messages mate. Definitely I have to fix all those balance problems soon but Im afraid it will take me some time.

Thank you for playing :)


This platformer has the most clever level dessing I've seen in years. I played the demo some time ago and it surprised me with an amazingly  simple and innovative mechanic. Now, It surprised me again with a lot of new ways of using it, good difficulty progression and a perfect accesibility reminiscent of Nintendo games.

No matter if it is a small short game, it is more worthplaying than almost every other game I've played this year . I'm looking forward to playing the next thing you bring out. Congratullations!

Thank you so much for playing my game! I didn't expect anyone to play it hahaha. I put an response in your video, it was very helpful.

Thank you mate! :)

Thank you mate, more people told me that it feels a bit slow so I will keep it in mind next time :)

Oh thank you, I am glad you liked it :D

Thank you so much for your comment :)

Oh thank you so much mate, I love it!

Thank you so much dude, your comment really made my day :) I guess you completed the game if you reached the spirits circle so greetings!

Good use of the jam theme. I liked the models and the music very fancy :) , but I think the music should be in loop. This dragon battle surprised me . It is a very good job, congratullations mate!

OMG, SOMEONE FINISHED MY GAME !!!! :D Thank you so much mate, your comment made my day, I think that nobody had completed it and there are 50 rates until now. When I designed the many anchors level I never thought people would find it so complicated. The ground collider problem hasn't helped much either :P . So I REALLY appreciate your dedication for finish my game, thank you so much again :) . And of course I am gonna play your game right now.

Don't worry, maybe I should have explained it better. Thank you so much dude. I really appreciate it :)

Why people don't like following my huge arrows ? :_(  You missed the most interesting  part of the game so I recommend you to give it another try or at least watching the walkthrough, but I know that there is a lot of games in the jam... Anyway thank you so much for the video! I remmember you from BTP Jam 2021, you played my keys game :)

Thank you so much mate :)

Yeah, it is a huge issue and I think that it is ruining the game experience of many people. I can't believe I overlooked that problem when I was testing it. Anyway thank you so much.

Thank you so much, this really means a lot to me! :D

Yes, there is a problem with floor colliders when you hit ground too fast, sorry about that, you can reset to checkpoint with R tho. Thank for your comment :)

What? This is kinda weird, I 've never heard about that problem, reseting with R or restarting the game should make this issue disappear. Or is it just a figure of speech or a joke? If not, can you give me more information about the issue please? Thank you :)