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A member registered Dec 15, 2018 · View creator page →

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: D

Thanks a lot!

Neither the Linux nor Windows version works for me.

For linux I get: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found; I'm using Ubuntu 18.04

For Windows it seems it can't fine the world.toml file, not sure why. Error: 

000d:err:menubuilder:init_xdg error looking up the desktop directory
panic: open resources\world.toml: Path not found.

goroutine 19 [running]:
/build/main.go:117 +0x2672, 0xc0000860c0)
/build/vendor/ +0x2e
created by
/build/vendor/ +0xb8

(2 edits)

Oh God I closed my browser while writing this. Oh well, time to write everything again!

I agree with founderio there. The controls are kinda annoying. The character weirdly slides on the floor (and I mean not when that should be happening). I didn't even complete any level tbh. If I'm supposed to move myself with this super slow platform in level 1, with the weird controls, then I don't think I have the patience for that.

The art is okay, the music isn't terrible, although I'd rather it not have those weird high-pitched sounds (I'd like something that fits the game more)

The hitboxes of the objects are also confusing. And I have no idea how to jump over those blocks in level 2.

You're right, they feel wrong. It's a pain to control the character

Sorry for the inconvenience, the game is now playable in the browser (this actually went faster than I expected)

Thanks! I didn't have time to make any music sadly, there are some sound effects, but also not as many as I'd wanted, there are some unused ones in the game files, too.

And sure, I'll play and rate your game

(1 edit)

Sadly I don't have Windows even, the executable works fine using wine for me as well. I will try to fix the browser version tomorrow, as now it's really late for me

Glad you liked it! There was no time for anything like a "score counter", though. This is basically my first working game I've made ever, so it took some time to figure out everything.