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A member registered Jan 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hi! Sorry to bother, however I truly love these textures, I want to ask, are these textures made with AI? It's very important to ask, otherwise I might not be able to use them properly. Again, gorgeous textures for sure!

Great work! Can i ask about the license please?

Hi! This is utterly amazing! 

How do we exactly mention and credit you? And is crediting mandatory?

thanks a lot! can tell us about the license please? CC0?


can they be modified too?

nice visuals and fun gameplay!

OK visuals, variety of abilities and game-play are quite good, quick and fun!

amazing visuals, the care put in really shows!

cool idea, it may not be complete, but still, puzzles are fun!

unique concept, adds extra depth as well!

Hamster with a gun! cool game!

i have a special something for picoart stuff, nice game!

nice ambiance and cool visuals too!

Cool unique idea! nice visuals too.

thanks! good score, very glad you liked it!

thanks, really glad you played it! Also, the sounds advice is really helpful, in terms of cosmetics and stuff, i wanted even more, upgrades, and pickups even, thanks for all your suggestions!!

Thanks a whole lot! Glad to hear your suggestions, it's very useful for me, also, congrats on your highscore, good look!!

Yeah i know, i couldn't really perfectly adjust fairness, it is randomly generated yes, glad you played it, thanks!!

you might find out more


thanks a lot!

(2 edits)

hi there, will you just pass by this unique moment and forever grief that you just didn't see what Gemutate was? for not even once?


Thanks a lot, very little time remained so i was afraid to make it too boring, but nevertheless, thanks for playing, good luck!

Can we also modify?

Can we edit as well?

thanks a lot for your informative comment, glad that you liked it, good luck to you!

Thanks for your uplifting comment, good luck!

Can we mmodify them too?

Can we edit them too?

thanks a lot! Glad you had fun.

check out mine as well:

check ou mine as well:

Thanks and good luck!

Thanks a lot! Let's see your game!

(2 edits)

These are the tilesets i used in my game, They were just gorgeous! made a good game out of it, not complete yet, but you can check it out, its called Gemutate, here's the link if you're curious.


Hi there, used your effects in my game! They are utterly amazing.


I used one effect of yours to appear whenever you collect a redish gem.