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Otton Drumm

A member registered Sep 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Sure! I've never done it but I think Godot can handle it quite fine

Thank you so much! I'm quite done on fixing the bugs and writing the intro! I'm confident on doing a huge patch soon :D

Thanks so much! I'm working on adding a lot more indications and tips! Making it easier is also in my radar <3

Wooo thank you! I loved the video, it was kinda embarassing to see all those bugs haha 

Thank you so much, and yes I'm planning on developing some more! I'll definitely put some more indications in the next patch! 

Glad you liked it! The cracks are no joke to dodge actually. True, the layout of the ship matters quite a bit, but they are a little pain no matter what (some of them more than others)

Thanks! The cracks are actually animated sprites fixed in place: they are triggered by the player proximity, also they have multiple collision polygons activated (and deactivated) based on the current frame of the animation (e.g. Collision_6 will activate on the 6th frame and so on)

Thank you! <3

Thank you, I'm happy how ther built your ship mechaninc turned out actually!

I'm sorry for the "I have to change something" bug, it's very annoying :'D

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it!

Thanks for the feedback! I felt like the cracks didn't really warn the player where they are gonna spawn, i'll look into that.

I'm sorry for the "i have to change something" bug, it's on the browser build and it's nasty to fix, but i will eventually! 

Our submission is for those who want to build a shuttle and fly away to victory (i suggest to use the desktop version )

The first word that comes to my mind is "lovely"

Awsome and very pleasing art, relaxing music and chill gameplay. Awsome!

I got the dash/slash bug on the boss and i couldn't dodge the lightning :'( 

Great game mate! Awsome artwork, great hollow knight vibes, nice music and atmosphere!

I think you can update with minor updates, even if the deadline is over. If it doesn't add any actual gamplay it should be fine, maybe you can ask in the community section to be sure 

Thanks! I'm glad I got the atmosphere, I was running out of time and couldn't finish every art as I planned. 

I agree about some sort of indicators for speed and manovrability, it isn't very clear atm. 

The browser version has those weird problems :( I'll try to fix them in the future

That's so cool! Also the cats are adorable. 

The text is really tiny on windows though!

Oh no, i can't actually test on mac, i'll try to find and fix the problem though. Thanks for the feedback <3

I made my first game ever, it's in a very early stage and i'm still working on it but i'll update it once the results are out!

It's a procedural generated strategy/roguelite game (at least it will be :'D)