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A member registered Jun 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing!

You're over half way through - use the doors to block out any interlopers. You can use the codes you know to get back to where you were quickly. Hope we get a part two!

Thanks for playing!
Glad to hear you enjoyed, and that it worked as a genre shift. Always good to keep a notepad near the computer just in case.
Thanks again!

Thank you!


Thank you!

Haha thanks!

Glad to hear you enjoyed the story! Sorry to hear you got got by that bug! We've got the patch ready to go as soon as voting closes. Thanks!

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Fun idea for a 'work sim' - would be interested in where you could take it next!
Noticed a bug that meant I got the same pay if I did any work or not, maybe there needs to be a percentage of work done to continue?

Really interesting concept, would be cool to see how it could evolve as a 'work sim'!

(1 edit)

Cool idea and pretty polished! Art really stands out, a different take on the themes!

Thank you!

Unnerving! Narration and structure was really well done.

Thanks - glad you enjoyed!

Engaging writing with an interesting setting.  Was cool to see the bullets being counted!

Thank you! We ended up running out of time for our planned ending so are hoping to patch it in with the next update.

Think I was just walking around that corner between the box and the car. Tried to crouch and walk in all directions so I must have been unlucky! It was the garage furthest from the egg if you want to try and recreate it.

The look and feel of this one is strong. Great use of atmospheric sound + really like the notepad / flashlight combo.
Sadly got stuck on some of the cardboard boxes behind the cars near the egg so had to restart, this was on 1.0.2

The art and escape sequence are great! Enjoyed learning how to use sounds as markers for the weapon charge and enemy distance.


Thank you!

Really enjoyed the vibe of this - hope you continue to work on it!

Fun concept! Enjoyed unlocking new machines with tickets + the pixel art animals!

Tricky to find the second lightswitch and key. But when I did, the Alien coming through the window was a strong scare. The sound and uncanny character models were great! An unsettling ambience.

Art is really impressive!
Enjoyed the way we're delivered information in segments + the mystery of linking the Lab to the Sunflowers.

Enjoyed the reveal of the robot - heralded by lamplight!
Might be interesting to test if it's more tense to not have it appear straight away? After we see the empty plinth we know it could be anywhere, so any unexpected sound / action in the world could be dangerous.

Thanks for playing!
Spoiler : All the info you'll need for the space maths is in Barry's files. Let us know if you need more hints.
Thanks again!

Thanks for playing!
The tooth problem being 9 is a bug, it'll be fixed along with some other things after voting closes.
Feedback greatly appreciated, we've still got lots we'd like to add and change.
Thanks again!

We're listing all known bugs on the Itch page - it's still possible to beat if you press back on the folder above Autopsy instead! Thanks again!

Glad you enjoyed! Sorry to hear you got stuck - there are currently two bugs which stop progress which we'll fix once voting has closed.
- If you press back whilst having the Autopsy folder selected, you won't be able to move (we think this is what happened for you)
- The answer to the 'tooth puzzle' is 9.
Thanks for playing!

Hi there!

Would you be able to clarify what you think is broken? The game won't launch on mobile as it was designed for desktop.


Hi there! What wasn't working? Please make sure that you're using capital letters and proper punctuation. Thanks!

Just checking that you're also entering the space key between each word? Let us know if that solves the problem. Thanks!

Hi there! Sorry to hear you're having trouble. The game is case sensitive, but let us know if that isn't the issue and we'll try and recreate it. Thanks!

Hi there! Thanks for pointing this out - we'll address it in the next patch of the download version, along with some other bug fixes. Thanks again!

Hi there! Thanks for playing! Please let us know what it was that you couldn't type, so that we can look into what the issue could be. Perhaps it's worth making sure that you are typing a capital letter - the game is case sensitive. We are also yet to test support for keyboard layouts other than English, if that applies to you this may be what is causing some problems.

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Hi there! Glad you're enjoying and thanks for letting us know about the bug - thought we got them all! There's more music to be found, keep typing...

Hi there!

You can input passwords at the Login Screen where you typed your username. Refresh if you have a play session open to start a new game.


Hi there! Glad to hear you enjoyed - email us at and we'll see what we can do about giving you a step up on the corporate ladder. Thanks!

(1 edit)

Hi there! The tracks are royalty-free from Epidemic Sound and listed in the Credits within the Settings menu on the Start screen. Here's a Spotify playlist with all tracks (bar one):


Here at BioTech, we believe anything is possible with enough care and attention!