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A member registered Jun 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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For now we are focused on PC build only, but in the future we plan to port the game on as many platforms as possible. Mac is definitely one of them! Thanks for your question.

OMG, I love the immersion of how boxes and mines are spawning above buttons and starting triggering them. That's so cool!

Wow that is one action packed game!

(1 edit)

This is a walkthrough post. The game has bugs and it is possible to go into unfinishable state, but it is completable. So if you are struggling but still want to finish it, here are things you should know.

1. The items in the room are existing through time. if you drop item on certain week it appears and exists starting from this week. If you grab Item from a week it stops existing starting from that week. So. if you grab something on week 2 and bring it to week 1, you can see two copies of the same item at once.

2. Read the descriptions (RMG on items or environment)! They really might help you wrapping your head around what you could do.

3. Do not rush, always try to keep spare copies of items.

So now, to the walkthrough.

!!!Warning!!! Spoilers ahead

1. First of you have to grab almost soaked crate from week 3 bring it to week 2 with the hand, then go to week 3 where it's going to become rotten. Now you can smash it with single LMB click.

2. Now your goal is to heat place up a bit to do so, you should place dry crate into the fireplace and light it up with a battery combined with a copper wire (drag and drop one onto another). Drag heated battery on the fireplace, not the crate! This should be done on week 2, because burning it on week 1 might pump temperature too high.

3. Now you can go to week 4. because it's warm enough. To go to day 5 you'll need to turn off the light on day earlier than 4 with a switch. The switch breaks starting from week 4, because it goes under water.

4. To be able to go to day six you can combine two bottles and the apply duct tape to it. This gives you a breathing mask.

5. On day six you can do two things. First of all, the soil on the bottom right is collectable, and the second the pipe falls of on the left side. It might render invisible under water, but it's there, just drag it from there. So, you need to drag filled bottle and a pipe do week 1, to have a copy of each for now.

6. Now you are on a straight way to one of two endings. Start by duplicating pipe 3 times, fix the sticking bottom pipe with 3 pipes on week 1 or 2. 

7. Plant the seed into the bottle with soil on week 1 or 2 and go forward until a fruit has appeared.

8. Now you can use fruit on a sink to get the key and escape the place, or duplicate fruit 5 times, to eat it and stay inside forever.

first you need to grab a crate, go to previous day, leave it there and let it soak in water for one more day, then click it. From here you'll have more options