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A member registered 37 days ago · View creator page →

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Funny intro sequence! Flapping is as frustrating as in the original Flappy bird. Nice work.

Very nice UI and bouncing bullets mechanic! An endless mode to riddle the screen with my own bullets would be neat.

Flying shooting eyeball was wacky! Weapon upgrades and special destroying bullets was neat. I feel like hitboxes could be improved.

The isometric perspective and art are neat! I like the variety of weapons and level designs you implemented.

Very cool aesthetics! Took a bit to get used to dodging enemy bullets.

Nice art and level designs! The bosses give me Touhou boss vibes.

I'm a battle spore! Nice amount of weapon types and character cosmetics. Enemies and their attack patterns are well designed. Would have liked cheaper shop prices to try out more items during jam time, but it's fine.

UI and bullet patterns are cool! I enjoyed the idea of being a immune system cell and clearing viruses. Am I missing a full screen mode? If not, you should be able to add a full screen toggle without modifying the game by going to game page > top left edit game > frame options fullscreen button > maybe play with viewport dimensions > top right save.

Cool boss fight with complementing visuals and music!

Goofy game with a twist, nice music, and neat wavy effect!

Satisfying bullet heaven with lots of upgrade choices! I would like more yellow crates unless that's an aspect of consequence.

Funny implementation of the theme with a unique shooting mechanic! I also like the art and environment bubble effect.

Cool design your own bullet hell mechanic with clean visuals!

Nice character, enemy, and effects pixel art!

Dodging ingredients to chop up correct ingredients is neat! Movement, dash and art were nice. A ramp up in difficulty after some time to end the game would make people compete for high scores. Do ingredients stop spawning around the 100 time mark?

Funny bullet hell! I feel like non tank controls and shooting using mouse would make dodging your own bullets more manageable.

Cool camera work and effects! It really does make me feel like I'm in the matrix.

Art, music, and gameplay are well made! I like the movement after image and planet explosion effects. It would be funny if the hummingbird had a space fishbowl helmet with its beak sticking out.

Lots of neat bullet patterns! I like casting fireballs at mini-gun like rates.

Spells and effects look cool! I picked magic missiles first and it took awhile to kill enough enemies to get my next spell. To future players: probably don't pick magic missiles first.

The colours and effects are mesmerizing!

Nice atmospheric top down shooter! Being able to remap keys is helpful. The lighting effects were well made (some games make unlit areas pitch black and I'm usually not a big fan of that). I feel like the camera can move a bit quicker. Due to my playstyle, I was usually near the edge of the screen. I got a couple of black screens possibly related to moving too quickly. Overall, a polished game!

Cool graphics!

Cool art and animations! I keep falling to my death on the second room and wasn't able to appreciate the content you all made. I think the first crystal should give max power and/or jump could be enabled at the start.

(1 edit)

Nice aesthetic submission to 13k! The movement squish, dust particles and block dropping are satisfying.

Neat snake submission to 13k! More apples and obstacles that reduce your snake visibility when eaten might be nice additions.

Impressive 3D game submission for 13k! Having to balance power between shooting, moving, or shielding was neat.

Having to reconnect the power in different rooms and ways after it goes out is very creative! The assets are well made. Flappy bird game could be easier as others have suggested.

What a wacky game! The dialogue, animations, and mini games were funny.

What a stumbly kitty! You've really created the feel of a drowsy cat. Nice puns, music, 3D models, and animations.

Cute power management game that also teaches people to save power! The flickering effect with different states on the devices was neat. The fairy flying over to what should be interacted with was very helpful. My happiness score for the first 10 levels was 55.1.

Lots of neat interactable elements in a chill atmosphere! The art is amazing and the quest indicator was nicely made.

Nice endless runner! You should add a way to restart when the player loses.

Fun challenging management game! The assets and animations are really nice. Best I got to was 50 seconds remaining on first shift. Hit boxes could use some improvement (3D hit boxes are hard to get just right because I also have similar issues in my submission).

Satisfying gameplay! I like the explosion like animation that occurs when loading in. I cleared everything by level 10.

Neat challenging implementation of a unique idea! Graphics and audio enhance that space pixel game feel. I feel like the player would benefit starting with more shields (3?) or have better controls with more base movement speed.

Interesting atmosphere! I like being able to drag the screens around and the clicking sound effect is a nice touch.

Nice graphics and good choice of music! The tutorial and info text clearly explained mechanics.

Charming puzzle game that is also educational! I feel like the later diagrams broke into too many pieces.

Cool 3D game with smooth movement and animations! The parkour environment was well designed.