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Morevna Project

A member registered Dec 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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Yes! It can be used for creating drawn animation cut scenes. You are free to use this software for creating your content.

Hi! Thank you for the notice, got temporary problem with domain. Will be resolved in a few hours!

Thank you for detailed explanation! 

Then, are there any way to get notified about the sales via email/webhook or any other way? I need notifications very much.

Hi! I made a test purchase for one of my products and got  no email notification about the purchase.

In my settings email notifications are enabled -

Please help - what could be wrong here? I need notifications to properly process incoming purchases. Thank you!

Is it possible to make the interface language to be switched automatically depending on language set in browser? This way the website will get localized even for non-registered users. Currently, when non-registered user purchases something the interface is displayed in English...