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A member registered Jun 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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maybe Steam funds

I am the other who has submitted, and I'm with it to. Can I improve my game and send it again?

Thank you for your feedback, I hope you had fun saving the forest XD. I'll try to add more mushrooms and the option to listen to music.

Thank you for your feedback. I loved your game, very funny and has an awesome artstyle.

Thank you for the feedback. I'll add the game story (want to make a cutscene for this) and a tutorial after the jam. I'll try to fix the way the datasheet works, now it only show the data after you answer all the questions, maybe I should show each field after the related questions are answered.

Thank you for the feedback. I'll definetely add crosshair after the jam. I also intend to add a highlight to the mushrooms when they are detected by the camera. 

Very funny game. Awesome art. Poor diver breathing farts to survive kkkkkk

Just complete my photo album :D. Very relaxing game and beautiful art, congrats.

Very cool idea. A little difficult to know where the hand will go, maybe you could highlight the object that would be caught. I missed knowing the weight of the objects before choosing to store them with me. I really liked the way the game presents information about waste pickers.

Very nice game. I think you could make automatic energy generators (without the need to click on them to collect the generated energy). Another improvement, in my opinion, would be a regressive time bar on the houses when they need energy, or a timer, instead of the color going red, to know precisely how much time I have to feed them.

Same here. This bug prevented me from continuing :(