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A member registered May 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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thank you 🤩 

thanks 😊

Thanks :)

Cool game but difficult to play with the camera

Fun game :)

Managed to fix the multiplayer in this version:
There is no differences other than this aforementioned fix, so if you don't intend to play on multiplayer you can use the download from above.

As per usual, in typical game-jam fashion at the last moment I seem to have broken the multiplayer functionality in the build which is available to download. 😡 So it's now very unlikely that you'll have any allies to play with 😡

Me too! Thanks!

Very nice game, just wish there were more levels!

Cool and unique game!

Really nice game, I especially like the fact that you can play it in 2P mode.

Well done :)

Yeah the original plan was to include a timer to see who could get the best scores but unfortunately I didn't get round to it 😔

Nice game, good job!

Sorry for the volume 😅

I used Godot 4 and enjoyed it, it's a lot easier to get up and running with 4 than 3 in my opinion

Yeah, I wanted to add a death counter and also some kind of enemy to avoid but I didn't have as much time as I would have liked for this jam unfortunately

Glad you enjoyed it!


Thanks for your kind feedback, please feel free to copy it! I copied it off another game I can't remember which 😅

I liked your game btw, very nice use of lighting!

Thanks for playing, I loved your game btw, stand-out of the jam for me so far!

Thank you 😁

Nice game, well done :)

Cool little game well done :)

This was an outstanding game, you all done such a great job on this!

Fun little game, I liked the way the game got smaller and repeated itself across the screen, was a cool effect!

Fun twist on Flappy Bird 😁

Thanks for rating my game, I enjoyed your game - the torch lights were really cool in the shadow dimension

YouTube mainly, reading documentation of Godot. It's a learning process which takes years (I've been coding for 15 years)

Godot 4 and free assets off :) 

Thanks for playing and for organising the jam!

Thanks for playing! 

Yeah, it lasts a lot longer if you download it and not play the browser version, in testing I got up to wave 50 before it started slowing down 😁

thank you!

This was a great tower defence game and the theme worked really well!

Thanks for playing! Yes I could have expanded on it more, especially with the village - originally I planned on having multiple temples around the village but I decided to simplify in the end to focus on finishing the game!

Amazing entry!

Thanks for playing - yeah I think the amount of enemies that spawn after wave 16/17 is too much for the browser to handle unfortunately 🍕

Nice game and good use of theme 🍕

I really liked this entry, very nice and the music was a good fit! 🍕

Great submission well done 😁