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A member registered Aug 18, 2019

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Thankfully I didn't save when out of bounds! Have a good game making!

(12 edits)

BIG BUG: Winning Research from Battle doesn't work? I fought the Sample Bandits and ended up with 0 Research for everything but Energy when I checked in the Cave.


EDIT: Cancelling the Cave Mixer landed me Out of Bounds in Earth Cave Entrance / Exit, in front of the Sample Trigger. And now I'm stuck.

Maybe should do a check when Mixing to make sure there's enough Research to do anything? Well, technically 0 Damage Element potions cost 0 research.

What's enemy 289?


Downloaded the update when it popped up in my feed! Yay! 1650 Researches up front for my save!

My Mix Bugs:

0 Research effects like trying to Split Strike a 0 Status Duration potion gives a cost of 0 Energy Research, but Brill says "Shoot, I need more research for that." ... EDIT: Although, that's only for Earth damage maybe?

UNLESS I try to change my Damage, even setting to 0 when it was 0 the first time, then I can Split Strike with 0 research

Other 0 Research Effects are: Trying to add a second element to a 0 Damage potion.

Mix Name Bug or a Me bug: Using the second Page in the naming screen gives a few question marks and tons of

Can't cancel name box.
Can add a second "extra Element and status effect" to the formula. Not sure if that does anything. Has no element Symbol, just the Add Element symbol.

Multi Target cost lists Defensive twice?


Huh, adding Multi-Target changes ingredient requirements, replacing a Sun Shard with Undergravel. I wonder why.

Not sure if there was an update, but it does work if you do it at the very start.

Looking at this again reminds me of other 2K games like Alter Aila!

Could you update the Discord link?

(1 edit)

Came from web-based singleplayer games! Cute idea! Gonna go play!

Wow! Such a big map! and so many characters!

Yum! Python's my main jam!

Ohio weather lol!

Ooh, a concern would be if you have too much of an ingredient you'd get back from Recycle, then you'd lose some because you hit the 999 cap!

The ability to force recycling, is an interesting benefit from My Mix! Getting the ability to force recycling for any creation, would be both nice, and not very beneficial, with the ability to have multiple saves being an effective way to rewind non-My Mix crafting mistakes!

Yay for bug found! Would it have even been noticed without My Mix? Possibly if I were paying more attention. heh!

(1 edit)

Windows: I don't have the Java runtime, and it's sending me to

(1 edit)

Doesn't work if the first level loads already complete. Heh. Otherwise good. Had to reset there.

Stopped when all spots where empty and I have up to grandparents.

(6 edits)

Really should go eat! Totally didn't notice that I didn't try out water with everything until about 2 minutes in! heh.

Well, cool game! Ditto on the "expected more" journal entries front. At least now I know I don't have to keep checking back just in case, since there's only 2?

Scroll wheel only working on top to go to leftmost is unexpected. Thought it would either do nothing or go left and right.

Anything below this is likely spoilers.

Nevermind, figured out the pot.

Got stuck on Hourglass. Not sure Journal Entries unlock is consistent, so that got slightly confusing.

Good simple game! I should go eat dinner! Heh. Nice and short for me not to procrastinate too much!

Didn't read the whole description so I didn't see the warning. Thankfully I didn't need it, but something to note.

Heh, the notepad makes sound! Fun!

Got to LV 6. Not sure if Cooldowns are the same for all cards with the same number of pips. Got the Locked Card and unlocked it.

(4 edits)

Started playing because I wanted to see what Butt Girl was being discussed! Wow, she's really focused on ass. Magic Water message lol! Good job with the dialogue! At least the Mirror didn't give the expected dialogue!

Advise chaging
styling because link color is REALLY hard to see.

Interesting that heroes have character traits that aren't noted in first interaction!

Wow, that's a young innkeeper! Well, onto meeting Hu Mann!

Also, opening cutscene I thought was broken because the Sign took so long to happen.

Am I stuck or is Darya blocked by the statue so I'm now locked up?

(1 edit)

From the "Just another RPG battling game! ...Or is it?", I thought it was just going to be a sequence of battles game, like Epic Battle Fantasy 1/2 or... well, something that's been hidden for now.

I'd advise flipping the game images so it doesn't look like just battle after battle.

Came from

Congrats on being the 20th most popular Roguelike on-site!

Not being able to save is annoying, but I didn't download this. Downloading has saves and other characters? And other useful features? Got to floor 30? Or was it 40? lost to the boss? Bees and multiplier bullet were useful!

Good luck! Thanks for the quick and detailed response!

Music! Named music! Yay! Sources named! Niice!

So, now we can make mixes with every option combination, and overwrite mixes, and change music..

What else is missing in My Mix?

(2 edits)

Was looking over item descriptions because I'm making a trope about "similar items, similar descriptions".

Steel Lode talks about "steel ore"... Steel's an alloy. It don't come in ore form. At least on Earth?

EDIT: Then again, it's a very low-key fantastic item! Heh.

Woo! Royal Library Mini lab! Not just for reading, but also helping some mages with stuff! heh. Given the rest of the facility, it's made for magic!

(2 edits)

Just putting the comment on the latest update... I forget if Enemy 135's area is supposed to not have any background music? Well, somehow I can't tell if it's actually cutting off or fading out.

Good music choice, songs formed of individual beats handle being cut off well, instead of songs with continuous notes?

Ooh, we get Genn's name from other places too! Cool! History!

Ooh, so this "demon king" is sorta female or something, what with the Priestess form! Heh. Gender-neutral kingship! Yay!

"(The only problem is that it would probably overcook your food if you actually used it in place of an air fryer.)"

Guardbreaking is pretty important~! But whether it's better than Block Buster, not sure. Probably don't want both on one potion, now that I think about it. Block Buster wants Block to be up, while Guardbreaking prevents that.


Oh, you got that new Block status working! Sweet! Lol what is Brill doing at 1 HP? Is she using that damage booster, I guess? It's very situational, but when it's used properly it's real fun!

(7 edits)

Trying to find some Block Buster enemies to test Nega DEF, mega weak block against. Probably nothing's good. Anything that has high Block Buster, like Enemy 135, also has high ATK to compensate.

For the Block Icon and numbers: Could mix Block Strength numbers and Turn Count numbers like how Cursed Coronet and other % stat buff/ debuffs have the percentage number and a turn counter.

(5 edits)

Ah, they did a Super Pepperflask-based strat for the Widow.

They do know how to block... Is there a point in having the Block icon have a Stack counter? It's sorta obvious it'll go away once Brill stops blocking. She even has the Block Animation. heh. Maybe give it a Value counter like Star Force, with the value being the Block Power, so it makes it obviously powerful?

Ah. This Bishop. I thought there was an attack called Elden Ring! Heh.

Hmm... Never tried this before, but if I get a Negative Block Power, can Thunder heal me? Probably not that useful. Might not even be possible. Not possible. I see. Simple Shield + Dragonfury Gauntlets on both hands + Elemental Fury shows that there's a floor of 1. mmm.

But Defense can go below 0.

(2 edits)

Thanks for clarifying! Yay for quick fix!

(9 edits)

Yay! Fixes and another player! Good thing I checked today!

Going to check out the Grand Librarium, the Arkenvali Male Dorm Guardian probably should stop referencing the Phantom Magus since that's been solved?

Same with Infa?

EDIT: BUG: Just tried to open the crafting menu while in the Grand Librarium and also outside. Cannot read Property 1 of undefined?

But works when making a new game? Triggers in even in early game, before finishing the Hidden Library. At least if I load an old save. Getting Gen's recipe book in a new game seems fine.

Woo! Icons!

"It looks like this section of Brill's mind has a few mental blocks."

heh. Fun! ... Lol if we get to explore inside Brill's mind in other ways. Dream magic exists, time magic exists...

But really, what is there to explore? She's becoming a hero, and got a strong goal to focus on! No angst or anything! Just gotta get find where the villains are, then gooooo! heheh

Yay for your issues being sorted!!

The funny phrases that crop up when you call this feature My Mix! Heh.

"And now that I've gotten some more time to myself, I've been able to make some progress on My Mix!"


Yay for easy multipurpose code! "(without having to repeat the same humongous event block four times)."


"this is what a Mix might look like with 275 of each kind of Research."

Well, all depends on how hard it is to get each type of Research! Good luck with balancing! That full runs can be achieved without My Mix means that they're nice extras... Unless you make some enemies harder and stuff...

But this isn't supposed to be the hardest of games! A nice challenge and gotta be thinky, like Brill is!

Congrats on having fun!

What's the update about?

Yay! Hot progress!

Iridiscent Polluted Water Elemental is so colorful! So many light and darkness shifts inside, it's sorta hard to focus on!

FUN! Haha! :+1:


Came from Post-Jam version! Everyone has names! Cool!

(1 edit)

Send the note to someone who doesn't have enough qualities matching Tacy that's in a position to give it to Tacy, then give the note back to Tacy.

One of the people from behind Tacy should do it.

Do which event?

Was there another update? Changelog? Or did get weird?

(1 edit)

It might actually be better to not keep the bombers all the way at the back and swap their places with the single-targetters, since bombers' single-target damage is IIRC weaker, so unless the final enemies are positioned good, bombs aren't the best at cleaning up?

EDIT: Just a hypothesis since I don't feel like testing.

Yeah, 4 modifier limit is good. I wonder if Split Strike + Catalyst means double Catalyst application. Or if every Catalyst number can be divided by 2?

Multi-Target Catalyst is also a unique effect only available here for now.

Wow! So many available combinations! Descriptions are gonna be really long and hard to optimize? Unless you put Personal Mixes in their own space to give them, well, their own space, like the Journal and all?

And at least Catalyst and Trigger can't be on the same potion! Can you have different types of Elemental Catalysts on the same enemy? Or is it that the Primary Element of the Trigger determines the damage type of all the Catalysts going off?

Unavoidable sounds powerful, but given how few enemies use it. heh.

I guess Split Strike makes the potion just a bit cheaper because multiple hits means more times that Defense comes into play? But is good for triggering Burns. and such.

And our targetting by click strats might be different. I try to poison the back row first?