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Luis Westphal

A member registered Apr 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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One of the best protypes i've ever played! Continue the good work.

Nice idea and gameplay!

After i finally found the pink switch in the first room and came across the giant robot it was really fun to play :)

The pull-mechanic could be improved a bit though by slowing the player down when they pull heavier objects instead of making the player lose connection between the object once he gets to far away. 

Thanks for your comment :)

Im glad to hear that you had fun while playing!
Unfortunately i didn't had enough time to add more sounds, features, gameplay-mechanics etc. but maybe i continue working on the game in the future.

Hey thanks for your feedback!

And yeah your right, the acceleration and deacceleration values are a bit too slippery for the game. Although i kind of liked the idea to use a tiny bit of acceleration for creating the feeling to move a bit more freely than the typical fixed 8 directional movement you can achieve with W.A.S.D. in top down games.