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A member registered Nov 06, 2016 · View creator page →

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It took 13 games, but I managed to win!

Oh, did you set your spawn point on the bottom crystal after grabbing the dash boots?  Sorry to hear you got softlocked from that.

We'll definitely have key rebinding once the jam is over.  Thanks for the feedback!

Sorry you had a bad time with the combat, it's difficult to properly teach.  Basically when an enemy has an exclamation point above their head, you should move out of the way, usually to the side.  Then you should attack the air to get them to come into your attack range.  This results in a combat loop that feels somewhat like a dance.

I'll try to make a better tutorial in the future.  Thanks for the feedback, it helps a lot.

Ooh, this is great!  I really dig the Persona-like combat GUI.  The combat system felt pretty interesting, with all of the main attributes of a solid JRPG.  I appreciate the hand-crafted map, which had well placed points of interest.

Oh heck yeah, goblins the best!  Is that the continuation of your ProtoGoblinDungeon project?

Thanks for playing!

Was odd to have interact on the mouse when the mouse isn't used for anything else.

The visual novel aspect was way too fast to actually read.  I played it through the itch launcher and when it got to the end of the visual novel it didn't actually move on to the gameplay section, so I wasn't able to play.

I did the art, game design, and level design.  I'm usually a programmer, but I left that to Dan because he's better at it than I am, so I really appreciate the comments on the visuals.  I'll see if I can make the environment fit the sprites better.  Thanks for the great feedback!

I never found what I was looking for, but I leveled up a bunch along the way, so that was nice.

(2 edits)

Amazing art.  I got stuck.

Edit: I found the hallway that I kept missing.  Got ending 2. And then 1.

I really enjoy the auto battling, since it quickly gets me to my favorite part of crawlers: filling out the map!
I would like there to be some more differences between the characters.  Seems primed for some cool abilities that are automatically triggered based on criteria.

Very nice combat.  I think the combat would really benefit the ability to pan around the battlefield as well as inspecting enemies to see stats like health.  From playing I could start to get the feel for which enemies had how much health, but in the beginning it's harder to plan your tactics without that information.

Honestly, overloading all of the combat and commands to WASD is really smart, kudos for that.

Take a look around the first crystal you found, you should see a ladder that goes down.  Try that way.

Thanks for playing!

The finale of our game expects the player to make a leap of faith.  Already saw one player say "Oh, I guess I can't go this way" and turned back around.  Should have added extra hints or blocked their path behind them.

It's a bit tricky to tell what the objects in the world are meant to represent.  Maybe an inspect option would help?  I picked up a broom but I'm not sure if that automatically equipped it or not.  The enemies seemed to not really care about me and would wander away.

(2 edits)

Thanks for playing, I appreciate the feedback!

We recently made a change to how mana works and we haven't updated the tutorial to match.  Here's how it works now:
Playing cards no longer costs mana, now only drawing and discarding do.  This seems to give the player more deck control.

I'll try updating the tutorial soon with the updated information.

This game almost made me rage, haha!  "Is that stripes, or is it that orange?  Gonna pick stripes... Dangit!"

Cute idea.  I gave all of the cats names to remember them easier.  I wonder if it would be good if the game gave them names?  I could see that going either way.

(1 edit)

Huge undertaking, well done in getting so much accomplished in one week!  The portal door at the beginning is a nice piece of tech.  The skybox is actually really pretty, kind of a shame I only saw it when I fell through the floor.  The 3D assets are all really nice.  Maybe the fox is a bit too glossy.  Good music and an interesting idea.

Overall I think everyone can be proud of something they did for this project, even if a few bugs get in the way.

Fun idea, but I wish the sounds were a bit more pleasant to listen to.

I'm not very fond of point and click but this was quite good!

Great feedback!  Once the voting period ends we'll be updating the cards to be much simpler to read.  Thanks for playing!

Thanks for reporting this, we'll look into it.

Cool rpg concept.  Takes a bit too long to get through a turn, maybe just faster animations would help.

Almost didn't beat the last one, haha!  I guess my ears need some tuning.  Fun idea!

Great humor, I shared it with my friend :D

Very neat!  Got to about 10 before some of the guys decided to not go through the door.

I'm amazed that you say it's too easy!  I usually only win half of my runs (*  ̄︿ ̄)

Thanks for playing.  The bug seems to only be in the web build.  Couldn't figure out why.

Great music and cool distortion effect. Distortion was applied a bit too heavily to appreciate it.

I'm going to add an Orca and put it on Steam, thanks for playing!

Thanks! I'm kinda sad no one's shared a level with me!

Inazuma 11?!

Cool rope effect. The idea is interesting. It made me think that it'd be really interesting to make a game where you need to wrap the rope around objects while falling. The music was annoying. Really great art.
Video playthrough:

It's very satisfying to outgrow the area and be able to get revenge on all of the creatures that ate you before. I thought that the sword fish nose was a weapon at first, but it seems like it doesn't actually matter where you hit the other fish.
Video playthrough:

It was an interesting idea. It felt like some of my deaths were bug related. Also the early bat area is kind of mean! (lol)
Video playthrough:

Was there anything else to do except grab fish? There was a health number, but I never saw it take damage. The fish seemed to keep respawning endlessly so it didn't seem like there was an end objective of grabbing ALL of the fish. The tile set is very nice!
Video playthrough:

The music was a little too redundant. The gun didn't seem to come into play, but it seemed like it was going to be an interesting idea since it can propel you forward. Eventually the game froze up on me.
Video playthrough: