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A member registered May 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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I apologize for this situation. The game jam version was unfinished and is now hidden. A new full version of the game will be released at the end of February/beginning of March, along with additional content and second language

So cute! I will wait for future updates

Here is a summary of the latest updates on the project:

-It was finally decided that the game will be developed on the Godot engine.
-I managed to find a programmer and he is incredibly cool!

-I continue to work on graphics and here is a small photo of nature attached.

- A visual concept for the design of windows and interface in the game was developed, but I will show it when it is implemented in the game.

-A visual concept of the character editor was developed, and work began on their elements (clothes, colors, appearance, characteristics, etc.).

Now I spend all my time creating this game. It's exhausting, but I finally have the feeling that I'm truly alive.

Well, this is a good solution, but most likely it will appear in later versions. Thank you

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I think I'm starting to understand how to solve the color problem. To do this, I created a fake scene with the objects that I already have. Visually, it is very difficult to understand what is wrong and how to fix it, so I used a trick. As a character artist, I often use the Desaturate technique. In order to understand what is wrong with the colors, make them gray and look at the contrast between them. In this way, at least the contrast error can be corrected. At the moment, I do not take into account the effect of light on locations. If possible, I would like to make it diffuse, but still pixelated.
I understand perfectly well that I can’t customize every item for every possible situation, but I want to at least try to bring their color back to normal.

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Hello, I got an idea about creating a life simulator. I love the sims line of games, but it's very disappointing that there are so many things missing and the pricing is terrible. Since this game is almost unparalleled, I want to try to create my own life simulation game, no matter how difficult it is.

I love making games, it has become my new hobby in the last year. I also work together with my brother, because alone it would be very difficult.

So, for inspiration from the Sims, I'd like to focus on the lives of the characters, their daily routines, and the unusual mechanics of how the character interacts with the world.

Since this is a project that I draw on my own, I decided to choose pixel art as the main graphics, but not too small resolution. Already on start I faced the problem of colors, they do not match well, so I'm still in the process of finding a balance between color solutions.

I really wanted to make an open world, but my brother and I have no idea how to optimize such a game so that it does not calculate every animation and action for all people on a huge map and at the same time look natural. I think it's too hard for beginners. But precisely because of how much I like the freedom of movement without loading screens, I don't want to limit the available viewable area too much. Perhaps I should divide the map into several large areas to reduce the load.

At the moment I am working on the concept of the game and its graphics. If I have problems in the future, I will solve them gradually. I hope one day I will be able to see the working beta of this project.

I'm not very good at getting attention, most likely this blog will be created more so that I myself can track the progress of the project. If anyone has any ideas or questions, I'd love to hear about it.

This language is spoken by many people from different countries, not only from Russia. I do not hope for the Ukrainian language, as it is not very popular, so please add at least Russian. Without it, playing the game is very uncomfortable.

Hi, do you have any projects or can you tell what you can do?

I've been playing The Sims for a long time, but I feel like I'm missing the details. It is worth noting that I am a Sims 3 player and I would often like to see in the game those things that were added in 4 parts. In my wildest fantasies, I can imagine that merging 3 and 4 into one big game would make for a very good game and successor to the franchise. It still hurts me to realize that they cut out the open world, hastily making a single-player game out of an online game. The humor there is just as good, it makes you not laugh in hysteria, but kindly smile at any ironic remarks.

So here's an interesting task for you to remember the good old days.

Write 2 lists about what you loved about the Sims and what you missed there.

Ok, please dm me

I also can help you to translate it if you will get permission from dino once. I dont think that you can publish your translation on other pages, exept this main page on and we again return to problem of permission from author

I didn't read the warnings before playing and paid a huge price for it. It was a real shock. Thank you for the Russian translation, it is quite high quality

It is a pity that there is no translation into Russian, the text is not very easy, although there are not so many of it. I hope this language will be added one day, as the game is very interesting, with a unique atmosphere

I didn't find any other projects of lydia . She is currently working on a remake of Midnight Train. You can check her Twitter if you're interested.

This game made a strong impression on me and even made me cry at the end. The story feels complete and well remembered. I look forward to future games from this developer.

In the beginning there were one or two riddles that I could not solve with logic and used the guides, but otherwise everything is quite logical and solvable.

It’s worth mentioning that I don’t focus too much on voice acting, I prefer text communication, it’s also easier to implement. If the problem was only in it, then this is no problem, everything is in order, but the same thing happens with text communication in games, and this is really strange for me. The hero going through a huge adventure that he doesn't react to like he doesn't care is what really bothers me lately

Imagining what the protagonist would say isn't bad, but often I'm really curious to know who I'm actually playing as, especially if earlier the story says that the protagonist has a personality, character, desires, or any other attributes of a personality. There is a feeling that the game forcibly suppresses the personality of the protagonist . Often, the phrase about a silent but comfortable protagonist hides the fear of not living up to the expectations of a large number of players. Previously, a similar trick was used due to lack of budget, for uselessness in the genre, or vice versa, in order to create a duality and mystery of the protagonist, as in Little Nightmares. It's a good tool, but now it often seems out of place or misused out of habit. It's a little disappointing how big companies use it to increase sales, not wanting to take risks, and indie developers picked up this trend, not really wanting to work on the character, leaving everything to the imagination of the players. Sometimes it even seems to me that the very concept of "protagonist" is slowly degrading into something faceless, created only for the player to take his place

Clearly, maybe I'm just as unreceptive, or I delve so deeply into the story that the silent hero becomes the "missing piece of the puzzle." This trail may not work for everyone

Ah, I really liked the gameplay video. Such a cute and relaxing art style. Since this style is very "drawn", what do you think about using things used for drawing by children in your weapons and mechanics? Pencils, eraser, different colors, etc. This game looks like something a child can draw by creating a whole world in his sketchbook and watching the adventures of a fictional character. When I was a child, I loved to animate inanimate things, and I also loved to draw, but I didn’t combine these 2 classes until I was 13, so I really like your concepts, filled with childish immediacy. Good luck with the development of this project, I will look here from time to time

I think the same. Depending on the genre, atmosphere, even the nature of the character itself allows you to create a silent hero and this will be appropriate and logical. Problems begin where the other characters literally ignore the main character or do not ask a logical question like "Why don't you answer?" and we just look at their dialogues among themselves or one-sided monologues

I often hear that the main characters are made laconic or completely devoid of speech or emotions in order to make it easier for the player to associate themselves with them. To be honest, the older I get, the more it irritates rather than helps. It's okay if it's a shooter where there's no time for dialogue or exploration, but that's not uncommon even in story-heavy games. Are silent, impersonal heroes really better, or do you prefer to play the role of someone more alive?

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Idk. I don't think that puzzle have a right answer. This puzzle can be skipped. It is enough to use the "star" valve for the "pentagon" and collect all other valves.

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I haven't been able to complete this game for 5 hours now. I really like it, but it lacks tutorial and maybe there is a bug that doesn't allow you to go further. All I have left is an impossible puzzle in the electrical panel and most likely a valve behind bars in the laboratory, where it is not clear how to get.

Edit: This puzzle can be skipped. It is enough to use the "star" valve for the "pentagon". I've tried every possible option and there doesn't seem to be a correct fuses location.