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A member registered Aug 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the suggestions, I think they would make for a pretty interesting game outside of the jam. Also you should be able to keep rotating the camera past 15° even with the mouse on the edge so the limit wasn’t intended. Thanks for playing!

I am a fan of yours. Here's mine.

Very fun game with a unique idea. I just wish it was lighter on my computer.

The levels and mechanics are fun and well-designed. I think it would be a pretty solid game if finished and polished.

I love this, it's a much grander scope for a game than I anticipated. The mechanic for seeing in spaceland and in flatland are very well made and the game runs very well. 

The mechanics are quite creative and the art style is very good. I just couldn't quite understand what I was doing. Either way cool game.

Boxes galore.

Cute fox. I like how you play the same level in both 3D and 2D. I was stuck on some jumps due to the movement. I think the game is good but actually it's great because of the fox.

I like the concept of the game. I just wish it was less laggy for me and more speedrunnable.

I like the game and would like to see a finished version. I think XP grind is too slow, attacks aren't spammable enough, and for me it is quite laggy. I think if it was finished and ran faster I would enjoy it much more. It's a good game and has great potential.

I'm a really big fan of the game. I think it would be awesome as a standalone finished and polished game outside of the jam. I just went around shooting robots which wasn't the most engaging but the art style and the potential for really good combat definitely made up for it. 

It's alright for a short game. 

(1 edit)

it's fun for the first few levels but i feel like it needs more mechanics other than double jump and also less annoying jumps where you just jump into the dark and die, and have to start all over again. the last level did have some fun jumps into nowhere and a checkpoint. nice game