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A member registered Nov 21, 2015 · View creator page →

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I just found out about the jam but fortunately I've been working on an turn based RPG for about a month now and it uses OGA assets.

Here is what I've got so far:


Thank you.

Great work.

I just don't know what to say. It's Tetris. You can never go wrong with tetris.

Fair enough

Thank you

Overall great but I could not find the start button untillI read the comments

Thank you

Thank you. We originally wanted to make more weapons but things did not go quite as planned. As for the camera I totally dropped the ball here.


Nope, not even that. They fall straight down.

Thank you. There were originally planed like 5 weapons but unfortunately it did not happen.

Thank you. I'm aware of that bug and of couple more but I don't plan on fixing hem. I'd rather start working on a new project sooner.

Great execution. I have a problem with the way you did inventory. There is never enough space. It ges really annoying really fast.

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Great job guys. You absolutely nailed the look but I have a small problem with coins they stick like a sore thumb. 

My biggest problem with the game is that both front and backs of the cards are the same color. It's just super annoying and you can't see where you've already been.  But you've got mister Lionel so it's all good.

Just completed a pacifist run. It was surprisingly  easier then to play it normally


Platformers are not really my thing but this game is absolutely magnificent. It looks and feels and sounds just right plus it has an interesting and unusual core mechanic.

Was very disappointed that you can't loop around he screen other then that it's good

It was pretty fun, but it's hard to understand where you can build turrets. It seems pretty arbitrary

The game is incredibly derpy, you can even die in the loading screen but it got some charm

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Hey. I think your project could have benefited from a tighter scope.. What you have now is pretty rough, especially sounds , but I did some farming anyway.  Anyway I can absolutely see something like that released in 1989

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An amazing work all around. I'd be surprised if you guys don't win.

Good music. All in all a nice retro walking simulator

Really nice job.  I like how you can defy gravity during pistol attack.

btw nice sprites

Sorry man. I don't think I can rate it. I had a huge trouble grabbing ledges. There just wasn't enough enough dwell time and I did not get far at all. On the bright side the spritework looks nice

Lighting fix made browser version all choppy. I removed it from there but it's still included in stand alone version.

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I think I fixed the lighting problem.  And it might actually run better on Linux now. Looks first time around  like I accidentally uploaded an old build

And the browser version should also run more smothly. I exported a debug version the first around

Thanks for your comment.  I only tested the Windows and Web versions. I should probably add that to a description.  And regarding the fog of war problem I think I know what caused I'll probably fix  that tomorrow. 

You did a good job sound wise. Graphics looks nice as well, but I have a problem with the fact that the parts of the ui are getting cut off.  After looking at the screenshots I think you can quickly fix that by building the game in a aspect ratio.

Hey. Love your ides. I'm also a sucker or isometric graphics. 

But I have a big problem with controls. I keep constantly confusing the directions. It would also be nice to have a quick way to scroll through the layers for example through mouse wheel or number keys.

Good entry. Laughed out loud at that ending.

Had  some real fun while playing. Really loved your artstyle.

P.S. The puppy legit creeped me out.