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A member registered May 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Ok I wasn't expecting to find a duck throwing ducklings at dogs game :D Surprisingly fun :D

570ft! Chill game and I liked the music :)

It's a good game in need of a little polish, I didn't understand that I needed the bar at full before slicing. It made me think I was dying due to hit boxes. 

111 deaths in total but finished it :D

It felt like more bodies is less trouble, but that maybe because I did the platforming better with more corpses XD

Didn't have a chance to make a beta test so the polish and minor bugs are there. But that not letting the villain give out a monologue by dashing instantly should be a feature :D

yup, dash is the only thing with a little polish :D Ty for playing!

Cool minimalist game with smooth controls and right amount of balance. Great game artistically as well as atmospherically.

I just couldn't feel how less is more was implemented, I have read it changes speed, damage etc. but I think some visual clues could be better. I didn't get where my health was as well, I just figured "I am faster maybe I'm low on hp?"

Great take on the theme, the motion and atmosphere was spot on. Does the game have an end state? After a while I couldn't find any orphans, garbage or mutant fish.

The music was great and fitting to the gameplay, ball was responsive unlike the initial impression. :)

Got stuck in level 2, those buggers stoped spawning after my ball grew to the size of the screen

Haiku incorporates the Jam theme to %100 imo, I had to use it :D

Thank you for playing and for your comments,

I have been informed that Blining at the final boss can "sometimes" end it right away, the area2d is behind obstacles that would prevent dashing but somewhere in the code is a gap that allows it. Tbh not allowing the boss to even attack and single slice your way to victory also works thematicly so I'm not sure it should even be fixed :D

I didn't think of Hyper Light Drifter (HLD right?) but if I had it might have added a clearer visual esthetic to the game. This is why beta tests are important because we can get great ideas :)

Great game :) Reminded me of a ludumdare game I have seen before but it didn't have physics or wind in it. Really enjoyable.

I used a few boxes at the beginning before the lightning while testing the airship so I didn't have enough fuel to go up at the end :(

A nice try, could use some polish to have a better game play experience.

Used help from other comments to solve it (cheating?) and I loved both endings. 

Cool  and stylish fps, I didn't expect to see one like this :)

I could find where to go at the crossroad shaped flamingskull horde room :(

Nice attempt at city builder, sorry that it didn't finish on time. How did you plan to implement the theme btw?

Great puzzle game, definitely one of the top 10 games in my book. I loved the puzzles, the art style and the atmosphere. Well done.

The X's were red indicating danger at the last level but clearly not very obviously tought throught the game.

I have been warned about the text issue and UI and they are sadly due to time constraints getting in the way of a beta testing and polish. :)

Thanks for playing :)

I don't mind it, glad I found a bug that can be fixed :) Weird error btw I didn't know keyboard type could cause such a thing :D

Really cool game, amazing artwise.

I failed my attempt at the ritual too :( I need to use notes and more braincells to solve this XD

I'm not really sure myself, I tried typing with  a screen keyboard too. I have both "i" and "ı" on my keyboard but tried them both. I didn't try using CAPSLOCK maybe that could have helped?

Really nice and atmospheric game, sadly I couldn't finish. Whenvere I tried to type anything with an "i" in it it resetted the text box :(

I liked the cards and the deckbuilding aspect. Wish you had a web version so more people tried your game. :)

There were a few issues tho,
*Game got stuck in a level and kept repeating same skeleton fight over and over.
*UI is a little hard to understand at first, I realized where my health is at my third combat.
*How did you implement the theme? I couldn't see the connection.

Interesting rhythm game, the background changing direction and speed really made the game unique and fresh too

I may accidentally clicked and skipped the end scene :(

It was great theme wise and engaging overall. My only concern was timer making me have to skip the events so I couldn't appreciate the story/writing.

Nice survivor game, the arrow build was really fun :D

I encountered a small bug, few slimes got stuck in the last level. Found them by shooting at a wall and following the bouncing arrow XD

A nice puzzle game, I liked the mechanics and art. Sadly I didn't really get how you implemented the theme. Are we adding tiles to make the deck less random?

Great entry and the most visually pleasing of all the games I tried so far. Also very satisfying bubble gun :D

I had a minor bug, in the first level I wasn't able to move in northwest, southwest, southeast directions. Didn't encounter that bug in 2nd and 3rd stages.

Thank you! We tried to incorporate the theme on both surface and deep levels.
*Dash less, slice more for a satisfying  payout.
*Move less so you can dodge more arrows/fireballs.
*Haiku is the poetry type where you tell "more" using less words.

Great beat'em up, felt really responsive and thats really important in beat'em ups.

It was a little too shaky for my taste (maybe I was rolling them around too much XD )

Also I didn't notice the connection with the jam theme, can you explain?

Am I bad that I only got 2900something on my score? :D

reminded me of brotato a little, and guns were fun to use 

Great pick on the theme, Hydra checks all the boxes of deep and surface level of "less is more".

also loved that there are two very different endings :)

Great game atmosphere wise :) This game sure has style.

Yup, all of the kids were pretty excited. That was their first game :)

Ahh, didn't notice the double jump that makes sense :)

Thats the only thing that has a little polish XD Thank you!

Thank you, they tried their best :)

Yeah, that arrow storm is kinda tough, if I had time to beta test it would have probably got easier. And believe it or not that part is already nerfed, it used to last 36 seconds not 21 :P