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JHawk Studios

A member registered Oct 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Okay, I figured I was doing something wrong sorry. After playing it, wow there's a lot of content to play. I'm usually someone that always picks the nimblest option when given a choice, but this time I actually preferred the middle one. For the second mission I picked the far right option, and was quite surprised by the difficulty (in a good way :D )
If I were to give a little feedback:
I think the mechs could feel a bit more powerful. When I think of mechs I think of steamrolling a ton of enemies. And I get that there were different play styles per mech, so to keep that intact maybe the feeling of power could come from visual feedback like adding a bit of screen shake or something like that.
One other thing is that I sometimes had a hard time actually hitting the enemies, so maybe if you added in just a simple little sight to make aiming a little easier that would be great!
Overall this was pretty fun! impressive to have that much replay-ability from a weeks work. Well done :)

Hey sorry, I can't seem to start the game. Whenever I hit start, it puts me back in the intro dialogue, is there a way around this?

I think this game really excels at building an atmosphere. it made the unknown of the dark something to worry about, which was very well done :) Naturally though with a game about exploring dark and unknown areas, I felt a bit lost at times especially on what to do with the box. But I think that just comes with making a game about darkness so it's not really a complaint, it kind of adds to the mysterious vibe. Good stuff!

Glad you enjoyed it! I agree, the feeling of threat is a bit lacking, that's definitely something to improve on. Thanks for playing and leaving a comment!

The More I played the more fun it got! I got quite hooked for a minute there hahah and what an interesting ending (not going to spoil it for those that haven't played, but I liked it). The upgrades made traversing the harsh landscape very worth it. and the enemies being able to bore through walls is very cool. I could definitely see this idea expanded, it's got plenty of room to grow. I never actually found myself using the minimap  much, it was a bit difficult to decipher where I was on it. Anyway very good stuff :D 

Love it! felt really nice to play, the sounds and visuals were great and it overall felt quite polished. Nice!

Pretty cool! I liked how the crab was able to go underwater, added an interesting mechanic. It would be nice if the movement (mostly jumping) was a little bit more polished, Sometimes it felt a little unresponsive if you mistimed a jump. Other than that, very nice!

Cool game! I like the sort of linear story telling it accomplishes, well done!

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Wow! very cool! I love the peaceful nature of it all. I would suggest maybe making the closing of the beak/mouth a bit snappier than the opening to give it that little bit extra oomph, but I really enjoyed it! looks and sounds great too :) I ended up getting 359 I think it was. I could see this concept as a more fully fledged simulation/game with all sorts of wildlife. Very cool!

oh sorry to hear that! moving can be tough. Hope you're adjusting well to your new place!

Neat game! Well done :) I like the idea of constantly needing to gather basic survival needs, it fit the theme nicely. It could perhaps use a bit of balancing to make dying feel a bit more fair, as at times I wasn't sure what had happened. Overall though, it's really not bad! keep up the good work :D

Personally, I try to rate games that clearly have original graphics/audio a bit higher than those with premade assets (not that I'd rate those games lowly, but I'd cap it at 3/4 stars for art and audio if that makes sense). I know a lot of other people also give a bit of a boost to the original-asset-using games, so I doubt they'd win in those categories. If they do somehow end up "winning" in those categories then I guess fair play to them 

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Thanks for playing! You're definitely not the first one to struggle with the boss, I decided to add it in pretty late so I didn't quite get to put in everything I would've liked to so it wound up being pretty confusing. The power control would be a pretty cool addition, I think that could add a lot more control to the movement so thanks for the suggestion! 

Pretty cool! I always enjoyed these kind of games growing up so I rather liked playing this :) I ended up getting to 17 points which I was pretty happy with. A bit of constructive criticism: I felt having both the cones and tires not being crashable was a bit pointless other than aesthetics, I think it would work a bit better if colliding with at least the tires was a game over. Maybe tweaking the exhaust particles to make them a bit more pixelated would be nice too. Other than those couple points, this was really fun to play, so good work!

I mean sure, you'll get ratings by spamming the link to your game everywhere, but it certainly doesn't help the quality of those ratings. Also, for a rate for rate post to work, you should at the very least play and leave feedback on their game, not just say "here's my game" and not even look at the other person's.

Plus spamming a link everywhere is obnoxious and it takes away from any interesting posts as the get buried by the one phrase copy and pasted into every community post under the sun.

Thanks for playing! I completely agree that the boss needs a bit of work. I had made it so the boss has three separate hitboxes, one for the treads/bottom, one for the body, and one for the head and I think three is just a bit too many as they overlap in a weird way so next time I'll try and keep it a bit more simple. Glad you enjoyed it, thanks again!

I've seen a number of people saying that this was one of their favorites of the jam, and I can certainly see why! The level design was clearly really well thought out and thoroughly tested, the evolving levels and mechanics was really cleverly done, and all together it was just a really fun idea. One gripe I have, is that upon respawning, the player isn't quite on the ground, so as I instinctively held a certain direction, I found myself immediately dying from sliding off the first platform. Other than that, really well done! A good dose of difficulty too.

Hey I'm not trying to be "that guy", but please don't just go to other people's comment sections and advertise your own game. If you really want someone to try your game, try leaving thoughtful and meaningful feedback on their game. Just saying, "cool game, try mine" doesn't show any level of comprehension of what their game is about, and to them it may even seem like you haven't played their game in the first place. The feedback doesn't even have to be super technical either, it could just be "I liked _____. I think you could work on ______." super simple.

Sound fair?  Thanks for taking your time

Hey this game has a lot of potential! I could see this as one of those games where when you build enough points you can select an upgrade to build your character so there's more of a consequence to dying. One thing I quite liked is that the enemies wouldn't only target the player, it felt like you were dropped into an already existing ecosystem making the danger of the enemies feel all the more real. Obviously as you know it is missing sound and a few elements like an obvious health bar etc, so other than those things, really cool!

Thanks for doing this! I would quite like to see someone play through my game. 
Just as a warning, the boss at the end isn't terribly clear on what to do, so don't feel pressured to finish it if you get stuck :)

Actually the more I think about it, there would definitely be some cheeky work arounds to basically still have a rate for rate post with my idea

lmao I didn’t even think of that, it’d still be the same problem. At the very least though, if someone did make an advertise for advertise post, then presumably it would be one post filled with the same link, so it wouldn’t really be worth doing if that makes sense. Good idea to require them to have played for a certain amount of time, it would fix the rating issue. 

that’s a good idea thanks!

ok yeah that’s cool, there are just a few people that spam the same thing in peoples games to get theirs seen, so as long as you’re not doing that then you’re fine :)

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Look, I'm not trying to call you out, and I appreciate that you take the time to comment on other's games, but if you do, please make sure that it is:

a) about something relevant to the creator/game or feedback on it

or b) not just to get people playing your game, it's kind of a scummy thing to do :(

I dunno, I like where you're coming from but I could see that turning into people just rating games without playing them even more than already happens. I think if we instead were only allowed to advertise other people's games (maybe even a max of once or twice per game), we would have a bit more of a fair and honest way of people getting ratings/feedback maybe 

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One game that I quite liked was:
The Planting Dead -

Everything from the sounds to the art and the levels are brilliantly done. In my opinion, this is a game that the dev should be really proud of and it deserves perhaps a bit more attention.

Ok I just played this as soon as I got home, and the levels I hadn't gotten to yet were just as good! With the knowledge of the little details like the footstep sounds etc, I really noticed it and it made the game feel more complete. I loved the snowy levels, and even though the background was basically just recolored, it was really nice to have the variety in scenery (plus the snowfall was quite nice as well). The platforming itself felt really polished and well tested, and even though there were some tight jumps, I never felt they were unfair. The only bug  I noticed is in one of the snowy levels the robot body would fall through the button-activated moving platform. Other than that, this game is right up there with my favorites of the jam!

Thanks for playing :) What mechanics were a bit tricky to figure out? Was there anything I could make more clear?

Thanks for playing!

I've very much enjoyed enjoyed this so far, really well put together! I'll come back to it later today as I have to leave at the moment, but so far so good! I really like the puzzles that I've done so far and the sounds and visuals are great to match.

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Well this game awakened something in me.  Any time I see a leaderboard you'd best believe I'm gonna get on there one way or another lol. This game was simultaneously satisfying and infuriating. I loved the feeling after weaving through a dense area, but those little bug things are my new nightmare fuel. I understand and kind of like how when you die you respawn on a random bud, but It at times feels a bit unfair to be sent 50/100m back down after working so hard to get to that point, so I'd maybe suggest only respawing on a random point of the most recent 10/15 buds or so to make it a bit more encouraging to the player after a crash. I will probably come back to this later today because I barely broke the top 10. Thank you for such a fun entry!

Edit: I just broke into the top 5 so I am plenty happy with that lol

Just played and left some feedback on yours!

Have fun!

Pretty well done! I like the combat aspect as you go through the levels. I didn't really find myself using all the different types of weapons though, I always had enough ammo to use the bullets, so maybe you could have a bit less of each ammo available to force the player to switch things up. Good game, well done!

Glad you enjoyed it :D

Thanks for playing! It was in the plans to have a lil trajectory arc, so I completely get where you're coming from it would make a big difference. Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the feedback I appreciate it! You're definitely not the only one that has struggled with figuring out the boss at the end, so it's definitely something to work on. Glad you noticed the details!

Thank you so much! I completely agree that the boss could use a bit more clarity, I didn't quite have the time to put in the extra animations to help  the player know what to do lol, but thanks very much for sticking with it :)