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A member registered Aug 10, 2016 · View creator page →

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Really good - I hope you add the next part of the story!

Awesome. I loved all the puns, especially the last one!

Cool art style.

Really nice game.

Really good idea!

I enjoyed finding some joy floating in the air!

I really liked this game/short story.

Cool puzzle game!

I wish I could play too! My only VR device is Google Cardboard.

I found this difficult to control, cool idea!

Very interesting game. It took me a while to work out what to do though!

Good beginning of a game!

Really love the art of this one!

I like the character creation, and interesting idea.

I love the robot! Definitely needs more levels.

Fun game. I found reading the story without being killed very difficult!

Very nice art and idea.

Cool game!

Fun game!

Very cute game.

Cool game!

Nice idea!

I found the controls difficult too. Both fun and frustrating to play!

I liked the combination of puzzle and platformer styles, and the audio/art was really nice.

Brilliant idea - I love how interactive it is!

I really liked this one! Lots of fun.

I liked the art in this, and would have loved some more story and for the character creator to be used later on in the game.

Thanks for the feedback everyone!

subpixel - Finding unique keywords for bits of paper was indeed difficult! Do you remember where you were or any extra info about when the lines started vanishing? - I haven't been able to reproduce the bug.

Citizen Of Melee - I promise there are lickable items! I made the game in Unity.

I wasn't quite sure what I was doing for some of it, still fun though.

I was never sure what I was doing, but enjoyed playing anyway!

Clever mechanics. It was very hard at the start, but got easier once I got used to it.

Love the robot, and good idea for a game.

Fun point and click game! I'd love it if more things could be clicked on.

Love the idea and the graphics.

Interesting story!

Nice game! I found the wall jumping really hard though.

Fun game. I particularly liked the character switching!

Cute and fun game. I agree that adding a high score table would be great!