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A member registered Feb 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hey folks,

We uploaded a guide for both routes to help people get the happy ending.


Hi There! 
We are currently working on a fix and will upload a new version to address this soon. 
Thank you for letting us know.


You're making great progress!!! Happy New Year


I’d like to suggest the addition of the ‘Amare’ tag. We now have over 235+ games using it as a tag  - 

I've also submitted a `Suggest description for this tag` as well but I have listed it below too. 


"An inclusive term that describes relationship-focused Visual Novels and Interactive Fiction games that feature a wide range of diversity such as racial, religious, and LGBTQA+ as well as more."


Hello, I'm Back!

I’d like to suggest the addition of the ‘Amare’ tag. We now have over 175+ games using it as a tag (To show that there is an audience for it) - 

I've also submitted a `Suggest description for this tag` as well but I have listed it below too. 


"An inclusive term that describes relationship-focused Visual Novels and Interactive Fiction games that feature a wide range of diversity such as racial, religious, and LGBTQA+ as well as more."


 For more information about the tag, you can read this blog post.  Thanks so much! :)

Yay! Can't wait to see your next game!

(1 edit)

Hello, some bugs! I will add gifs to the Twitter chat as I can't add them here.

Spoilers for game










Some gifs of errors I didn't want to post them on Twitter as they are near the end of game. If you don't want to click on the link I can email them to you?

Rhain just wants to be huge


Missing a word - "but only one of us?

Misspelt - precious - c instead of v  

It was an amazing game! I'm on my second play-through. 


I’d like to suggest the addition of the ‘Amare’ tag.

Amare is a new tag to describe story-focused Visual Novel and Interactive Fiction games that focus on relationships. 

We have games already tagging themselves as ‘Amare’ - Link

For more information about the tag, you can read this blog post

Thanks so much!

(1 edit)

This is looking amazing! The accessibility options, the Character Creator, The pronouns! *Chefs Kiss* Can't wait to see more of the development. Not to mention who doesn't love some good old Jane Austen. Also letting me live my dreams of romancing Captain Fitzwilliam. 

(1 edit)

I'd have to agree that I'd don't believe that is a fair claim either.

I've played both games and honestly the only parallel I can see beside them being wanted criminals. Is that the pilot is a feisty woman like Andromeda 6. 

The idea of a crew in space is not really a new concept as Hushibe said.

A6 are mercenaries, a line of work that is considered legitimate if somewhat a grey area.

SR are pirates which is against the law, they are commiting bank robberies and theft. 

A6 has a more futuristic Sci-Fi vibe.

SR has a more western sci-fi vibe.  

The characters are actually vastly different although yes some share the same archetypes, they aren’t matched the same way. Considering you are the captain of this crew vs A6 were you are a stowaway the interaction between the crew already seems vastly different than A6.

The closet thing I can compare SR too is Firefly.

I wouldn’t normally comment but I don’t think its fair to say this is a direct rip off. I believe constructive criticism is important and you are intitled to your opinion, but your comment did come off as somewhat abrasive. Even if you didn't intend it to be.

Perhaps if you could provide more instances of the areas you feel are too similar that might be better.

I've sent you an email :)

Okay. I might look at doing that.  Or perhaps a combination of both. I know english isn't your first language but I still think you have done really well. Although I can find some errors the general meaning still gets across so you've done well. 

When I get some free time I will try to go through chapter 3 and 4 of Laurents route and see what I can put together for you. 

I'm loving the story so far! Great work. 

Is there a way to be able to see the line of code  number? thats has the error on it to better give you an idea were the error is. I've noticed some spelling mistakes that I would like to let you know about but if I can tell you the actual line of code its on it would be easier than giving you the whole sentence every time haha.