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A member registered Apr 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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please forgive me I need you so much as a play tester 

OMG I  am so sorry. I must’ve did that by accident. I’ve been trying to see if I could undo that

I messaged you

I already have one

I was thinking you could start play testing some more of my games in the future and I could send you the files on Reddit.

If that’s something you’d be interested in.

do you have a Reddit?

thank you vary much for the feedback and to answer your question,

“I don't know if that is the idea or your idea is that when it remains on the platform, the block itself remains static and can no longer fall”

It is supposed to do that.

I also REALLY love your idea of lowering the platform off the screen slowly so that you can stack higher. Thank you very much and I have one last question for you.

Do you want to be credited as a play tester in the game credits?

The game is in a VARY early state of development right now so please let me know if there are any glitches.

I’m asking if anyone would want to help play test my game and give me some suggestions on what I should add to it or just some feedback on how it feels.


can I use my own text in the game because I can’t find any at the Kenny assets and I need some text in order to have the title of the game and stuff like that. another thing is that the audio isn’t working for my Device so am I allowed to use my own audio or do I just have a game that’s silent

(1 edit)

) : PLS HELP ) :

just dropped a brand new game and would love if you checked it out ( :

what do you mean by  “Seaside”  As  the theme?