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A member registered Nov 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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So elixir does all the potions, the 2 biggest effects you will probably notice from these is Invulnerability and Curing 2 Wounds.   Try to use it on a mon that is low hp, and when youve already taking some wounds, or before a final boss uses their super to prevent the damage.

it causes all of your monsters go add more to the super meter (+20% more super generated from attacking/casting/taking damage depending on archetype). 

thank you I'm glad you are enjoying it!  Infinite does have alot of pressure

O: Thats a great loop count, well done! 

1. for higher rarity items, it is more cost effective to merge them first then temper.  

2. There are 2 ways to get duplicate monsters, first with a Nest in the village the monsters can appear twice during starting team selection.  The other harder way is go to nests during the run, use egg sense to get a specific monster thats not on your team but do not hatch the egg.  Since it is still not on your team, you can keep repeating this at more nests until you have as many duplicates as you want.   Then hatch all of the eggs. 

3. Save scumming is up to personal preference.  I intentionally didnt try to limit it that much because ultimately its a little single player game for fun, so if thats something you want to do go for it! 

4. 6 loops is pretty good for endless!  Beyond that youll want to start seeking out the really strong combos (whether its items, synergies or mosnters).  Consider selling food such as Calcarrots if your team's main strat isnt Int based.   Also Forge Sparks from the Desolate Forge event are pretty important for really broken builds.  

I'm glad youre enjoying it, sorry for the late response

Thank you, thats correct!  There are 4 types of supers too, its based on the type of the monster you use it (Aggressive, Defensive, Technical or Support)

Only Str is limited, you can boost dmg in other ways such as Pulverizer or Finisher

sorry he meant build a building but dont put any mons on it

(its the Nest lvl 3)

its a specific tier 3 building, and you will know as soon as you start a new run if you did the correct one. 

those are the caps yep! 

Random Events (?) only 

try finding the snake 1 more time after :D

theyre moving too fast to follow O:

thank you for spreading the word, it really helps 

they never stop appearing but they do only show up in the (Glacier/Volcano/Wasteland) Zone 

Yes, though not soon.  Im working on a steam version for the game with a ton of new stuff.  (I post some teasers of the new stuff on the discord dev log channel!)
Kara has been 3 def.


parra has alot of different strats :D

also just as pure tanking Slagg can prob take the most dmg, but Kara is very good too

oh no those are pretty dangerous.  You can try to take them over but if no one else is around youre stuck xD 

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Welcome back! Currently, probably Tizik.  Storm Chaser is kinda op right now lol, and the Elemental synergy will help them survive to reach the 3rd form.  An item with some Str and HP to start goes a long way too.

that is an issue that can happen with unity.  usually clearing your cookies/cache should fix it though...   You can test if the cache is the issue by trying to open it in incognito mode, which basically treats it as if youve never opened it before. 

hm this is the first ive heard of this issue, what are you running on?  it may also be a unity issue 

thats not the first time someones hit scientific notation but it doesnt happen often xD

I believe the limit would be 14 arrows.  2 Per Chip = 10, +2 Corrupted Forgespark, +2 Regular Forgespark.   It will definitely be some big hits tho, and Lucky 3 can cause it to deal x4 :D  Magic wont boost it because it deals Attack Dmg tho.  

technically not a bug, but not ideal.  Hatching the 7th one will just give you aura, as if you left the nest without taking one.    You got the egg normally right? 

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try taking the egg to a location you can spend some time at.  It will hatch when you do the right thing.   There is no random chance involved either.

it is related to monsters

they have hidden requirements.  the hints are

Mamu: Requires a specific tier 3 building in the village, doing something you wouldnt normally do, is vaguely related to cold, youll know immediately when starting a run.

Nessa: Requires a specific egg, is bird related,  doing something you wouldnt normally do, is vaguely related to warmth, is not possible in zone 1 but is possible in standard mode.  

Let me know if you need more help or the exact solutions 

Thatsalotta Damage.  Murky Pools requires Aquatic or Tactician and is found in the first area of a loop (either the forest or swamp backgrounds)

they have plenty of wounds left :D

hmm that should have already been the latest version, sorry your data was lost i will need to retest some things then.  

lucky's multiplier checks each damage instance individually.  So its 2 separate rolls of 10% for that specific enemy.  

very impressive, who was dealing 11000 dmg?  If you are running the downloaded version,  you can safely download the current version are delete the old one.  How long ago did you download it?

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i do agree the players monsters reach unbeatable strengths too quickly and easily, and that curses/blessings run out too early.  Adding in a way to upgrade abilities wouldnt be hard but it would take alottt of work to add for every monster.  I am working on making it a more gradual ramp in power, as well as introducing new ways for enemies to become more dangerous.  There are also more adjustments in other areas i hope will impact the overall experience as well..  That being said it isnt out of the question, just not the current objective.  Infinite was never intended to be "beatable" after all >:D.  Also no need to apologize, I am glad you are enjoying it enough to take time put all this thought into it!

no worries, all questions are welcome.  Int does only affect things that explicitly state using it.  Ive considered using it for ability defense but casting is already the strongest strat and would double up the benefits provided by the stat.   

yep!  after adding them to your team, they can start appearing at the beginning of your runs too 

its a secrettt

( but try carrying it with you and looking out for anything different or weird :D )

also thank you!

no, only 1 terrain effect can exist in a specific space

it doesnt have a limit, Parra wont be invincible because it only stops attacks not ability damage but it still prevents alot! 

Hey, Im sorry your save doesnt stay, are you playing in browser or downloaded?  I am actually currently working on a full release for steam with alot of new stuff too though.