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A member registered Aug 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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This is such a fun reinvention of that dinosaur game! The visual style is also really nice :)

My only critique is that while it was fun throwing the elephant around, I found it frustrating trying to get the level back into a good place on the screen ready for the next jump

This is a really cool interpretation of the theme! I only wish for 8 directional movement ;)

This is a great game with a lot of character! The art and music are really well done and the gameplay experience feels very complete :) only minor nag is that I wish the text would play faster, especially if I'm retrying a fight I lost

The combat in this is very satisfying and I love how each enemy type is unique but still makes sense in the context of chess! The story and art are great too :)

One minor critique is that I think it would be good if there were a small period of invincibility after using en passant, as I often found that using it would lead me to lose a life

I scored 5! This is a neat twist on a classic game with nice art and sound. I found it pretty tough but I don't play a lot of bullet hell games so maybe I'm just bad ^^'

I think it would be better if the levels were less random - on one run, I got a machine gun and a shotgun guy on the third round and they sprayed a wall of bullets that I failed to avoid, so got a score of 2. On another run, my first three rounds had only one shotgun guy, so it was easy getting my first 3 points.

If you keep working on this after the jam, I think it would be fun if you could press a button to make the bird drop an egg (or 💩) which incapacitates any shooters it lands on.

I knew I was gonna run into flappy pipe sooner or later :') There's some nice polish in this game!

One note, I think the controls might feel more responsive if the pipe jumps when the button is pressed rather than when it's released

Couldn't really play this one unfortunately as it was running at <10fps on my PC :( (ryzen 5 1600, rx 580 8GB)

This is a cool idea and it looks and sounds really great! I found the AI to be a bit hit and miss, as sometimes it would have clear shot to the next zone but would instead randomly hit the ball straight up or into a wall it was touching, which brought the ball back to its original position. After doing that a couple times, it finally takes the sensible shot it could have taken in the first place?

But it's a neat concept, well made given the time constraints, and the polish is really nice!

Interesting concept and controlling the screen feels very smooth! A bit to hard to learn at first but fun once you get the hang of it

Seems like a neat idea, but nothing happened when I tried to eat the other plants no matter how many times I clicked :/

Really cool creepy atmosphere, I found the humans especially freaky! There were a couple small things I noticed - one is that there's a lot of shrubs near the fence that are inedible but it looks like they should be . The other is that a couple times I somehow managed to break the camera controls so mouse movement would only move the camera when one or both of the mouse keys are held down.

But overall it's a great submission :)

This is a neat concept and it's well executed with good polish! Good stuff :) I also like how you handled preventing swapping objects to the other side if it would collide with the other character. Only critique is that it felt like it would be best played with 3 hands, as I kept having to swap one of my hands between the movement keys and the mouse.

You managed to squeeze in a lot of content in only 48 hours! One thing I would suggest is removing or dramatically reducing the wait between actions in combat, as I often felt I was being made to wait unnecessarily.

Thank you! Watch this space!

This is a really fun and original take on the theme! Sort of like a cross between Crazy Taxi and frogger. The car AI was pretty good too. Only feedback is maybe it would be better to have both picking up and putting down be bound to the same key

This is a cool concept executed well! The movement animation is very juicy! 

This seems like an interesting idea, although I really struggled to understand how to play

This is a fun idea and the music you made for it is great :)

One thing I really struggled with is the A key being quite unresponsive; the car doesn't always slow down when you hit the A key so I had to press it repeatedly until it worked.

Thank you :) When I finally got all the functionality working how I wanted, I realised I didn't leave myself enough time to add more levels ^^' whoops

Very true! I rushed to add restarting just before the deadline but in my haste, I forgot to enable it in level 2 AND I forgot to add it to the list of controls :')

So glad to hear you enjoyed it! Thank you for playing!

Very kind words, thank you :D

Thank you! I'll definitely be giving this one some post jam updates

I should have added a leaderboard to keep track of these scores :') thanks for playing!

Me too, buddy, me too... :') thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Thanks! I'm disappointed I didn't have time to add more levels, but I'm happy I was able to get everything working before the deadline :)

Lol thank you, I have a soft spot for silly things

Thank you for your kind comments :)

I couldn't agree more ^^' Thank your for playing!

Thanks for playing! In my rush to get the game submitted I didn't even test the full screen mode, but I'll definitely look into fixing that post jam

Thanks for playing and great feedback! I'll definitely look into adding timed and endless modes!

Thank you for your feedback and thanks for bringing that to my attention - I hadn't realised I'd forgotten to add restarting to the 2nd level :')

Thank you!

I've added it to my to-do list! Thanks for playing (and well done for persevering and managing to beat the level despite the bug) 

Truly my downfall! I didn't actually start until 18 hours into the jam; maybe if I'd started sooner, I could have cracked out more levels :')

Thank you for playing!

That's certainly a creative solution! Poor arrow never saw those targets coming :') thank you for playing!

That's really great to hear, I'm glad you liked it :)

Thanks! I never added it to the in game instructions but hidden deep in the description I wrote that R is the reset key. Did you discover this and found that it simply wasn't working for you?

TBC.... Thanks so much for playing!

Hey thanks for checking it out! So it wasn't restarting when you hit the R key?

Were you playing in browser or in the itch client?